When editing a zone and trying to change the coordinates of points that define the zone....
...the X,Y coordinates of the point is (incorrectly) set to "undefined,undefined" when using the mouse to select the new point location on the image.
All is well if I enter the new x,y location manually from keyboard (but the mouse method is preferred if it worked)
So the work around is to use the mouse to determine the x,y of where the point should go, but use the keyboard to manually enter the coordinates.
Also, I hacked around on the file zm_html_view_zone.php and got the problem fixed. I'm not a PHP/Javascript/OOP guy, so I don't know how well this really works, or if it breaks something else:
Here's what I did:
Old Code Line 555 was:
Code: Select all
x = event.layerX;
y = event.layerY;
Code: Select all
event = window.event;
x = event.offsetX;
y = event.offsetY;
// x = event.layerX;
// y = event.layerY;