Version weirdness.. upgrade still shows as 1.21.4

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Version weirdness.. upgrade still shows as 1.21.4

Post by kawi600 »

Ive run the upgrade process on my 1.21.4 livecd version of zoneminder FC3.
I had a lot of difficulty getting the database to get accessed properly and eventually gave up and deleted it and re-created with the script. Once I did that I tried a few different things, but every time I do a make install and it puts all the files into the /var/www/html/zm folder, it comes up as version 1.21.4 from a web browser. Ive done a refresh and I dont think its cached.. it shows the change in the monitors being deleted now.
Any ideas? Im really stumped. Glad I did a dd on the disk before I ran the upgrade %)
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Post by zoneminder »

You didn't create a new database with a different name or anything like that did you? That's the only thing I can think of if you created a 1.22.0 db from scratch