Windows Live Viewer..27-11-05 Now Complete Frontend for ZM!!

If you've made a patch to quick fix a bug or to add a new feature not yet in the main tree then post it here so others can try it out.
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Post by cordel »

IE gets confused sometimes. It should not be looking to DNS since there is no host name to resolve since the IP is given. make sure you have the http:// in front.

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Post by nraponi »

Did have the HTTP - and it still doesnt work from here, but does from home so I'm assuming its a network problem.

Thanks for your help
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Post by jameswilson »

no problem
James Wilson

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Post by jameswilson »

update coming soon am just appling finishing touches to select printer when pressing print. Is there anything anyone wants adding (apart from raw support) before i release this minor update
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by ma77hias »

I installed your tool and I think it's a really cool extension to zm.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to configure it with authentification needed for my Zm installation. Can you please tell me where to configure username and password needed to connect to zm ?
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Post by jameswilson »

in the settings then you have to login as the new user
James Wilson

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Post by jameswilson »

Sorry all just been informed my site was down, is back up now. I had stopped apache lol
James Wilson

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Post by jameswilson »

Update!!!! at last Sorry for the delay but all the things it needs now are harder to impliment.
Anyway for your ZM'ing pleasure i have fixed a few more bugs i have found
Main fix is the change to the way the images are resized. I have stopped the autoresize of windows as this causes ap reoblem when maximising a monitor other than the first group of the view selected. If this is a major issue i have another idea so let me know

After a feature request from Dan (cheers again mate for all the ideas) I ahve added printer selection on pressing the print button. I have also slightly (very slightly) changed the layout of the prints

Another feature added after request is the option (in misc in settings) to force 4:3 aspect ratio. This is currently only in views 2 to 9and will be implimented in the others if required! Let me know.
I know its a minor update but im getting married the end of next month and the last few months have been hell (in a nice way love if your reading this lol). I have also had my first NSI inpection since we were 'forced' to adopt EN 50131 but im not bitter !!! LOL

Anyway please let me know, and hopefully soon this can come out of BETA. Any way download in the usual place!

James Wilson

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Post by jameswilson »

oops forgot to add this version also adds support for a 'streaming server'

Basic setup is if you have 10 servers etc (upto 36 streaming servers) you can pull all the images on playback from the main server. This is to allow 10's of users in live view but still be able to record centrally!
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by jameswilson »

More updates
Added new experiemtal view
Basically its a full screen view that has nothing lese but images. ie like a conventional cctv monitor. It currently is quad only just so i can get some feedback on wether this is a good idea or not. Its sort of hidden as its not finished to access it you need to press the home key when zm4ms is 'active'. To close it you need to press the end key. There is also a new option in settings called 'enable dual head support' This will force the new view to opened on the slave monitor as this was my main application idea. If this is off it will open on the main monitor but obviously it will block everything lol

Resize cams on resize of window
This was disabled in the last two beta to fix the problem when fulscreening a cam. I have made this an option, obviously if you maximise it you will get the problem as i currently cannot fix it. The only work around i have is to add another button that makes a sort of full screen and disable the maximise but im still pondering possible solutions so iput on this would be appricaited, what should it do how should it do it. Doesnt mean ill do it but i might!!

I have also mostly fixed the larger views filling the screen. I need to work on this some more as when the 72 cam version is launched it will really stand out (Yes i know the size of monitor required but i have people that want it for 50" plasma's etc)

Bug fix
Finaly fixed the close when minimed bug.
When closing zm4ms when minimised it rememberd it was minimised and goes back to being minimised and your only choice was to maximise or minimise, you could not resize. The workaround to this before was to close zm4ms maximised and it would fix it. I have now chnaged it so that if it was previously minimised when closed, it will size to 320x240.

As always let me know good or bad!!

Available in the usual place
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by jameswilson »

feature added/upgraded/not finished yet

I have added more code to the dualhead option (that will work in single head mode) as noted before it is currently loaded by pressing home from the main window.

I have chjnaged the camera selection method for feedback. If you right click in a window a litle box will pop up and you can select any camera for that window. I need to add a 16 way view etc and a left click default action but im unsure as the best way to change views that will work in dual and single head configs. Anyhow feedback needed as always, good or bad!!

As you can see i envisaged that the map view would be on the main monitor and the slave monitor would be used for split views, the other option im considering is to use the slave monitor for the alarm views (when finished) and not the split screen so as you can see im in need of ideas and feeedback as to what different people think is best. Bear in mind this is designed for the bigger systems with over 16 cams, so i might have to make it disablelable

James Wilson

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Post by jameswilson »

More Updates

Made auto login of user1 occur after 30 seconds for remote boxes (ie monitors up on the wall) is turned on in settings

Finished new split views see screenshots the current splits are picture in picture, 3 way, quad, 9way, 13 way and 16 way. Now any camera can be put in any place from a right click on the relevant window (again see screen shot)
Again this will work in single head mode but is designed for dual head, (when i get 4 monitors i will change this to use em all!!)

I have done a screengrab of both screen below with the similtainous classic and full screen view
This is a dualhead screenshot with the mapview which will need more info on it and a bigger map i think
This is a grab of the slave screen only with the rightclick menu displayed NOTE the ptz buttons are not functional as yet
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by jameswilson »

Update Again 2.78
Main update chnaged and addedd some x86 optimised code and as such the old viewer will need uninstalling and then install the new one else you will end up with 2 versions. Some fairly major speed increases when throwing the images around inside the app! Sorry i wont do it again but you will need to re-enter the setup info

Feature Added
Added an enhance button to the pause still view. This basically just interpolates (bicubic) the image upto 1280x1024 to stop people opening the image in a pure zooming viewer and saying isnt it blocky!! I will work on this to improve the enhacement ie brightness, gamma etc as and when i have the time

Feature added
Added an option in playback in setting for 4 digit images the default of 3 will be fine for most but those of you using 4 can now playback (note untested as all my setups are 3 digit)

Feature added
Max number of rows to colour the event list in playback. When pressing playback and the list view on the left populates, this is then stepped through and coloured depending on the size of the alarm. Thsi is fine when you have 2-5000 events but higher than this you have a massive speed issue as the windows box cycles through 20000 entries and colours them. I have made an option in playback settings (default 10000) to stop the colouring above a certain event number for a 10x speed increase in playback view

Feature added
Map view button animation
Im starting to extend the map function ie drill down maps etc. But have noticed on certain map views its easy to 'lose' the camera icon, so i have added a little moving bar to the top of each button so that the movement stops them merging into the actual map image

Feature added
Map Size option
If your map is huge or you have a mega resolution monitor this can be set up now in the map settings

Any other ideas or suggestions please let me know


Update in usual place
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by jameswilson »

Added better digital zoom to the pause view. Will interpolate, antialaise and smooth all the way to to 32 mega pixels, how good it looks depends on what you start with, some of the 3 megapixels cams i sample look awesome! But obviously its hard on your machine manipulating 10megapixel images aint easy on your ram and proc lol

Also control is now zoomable so you can zoom past the size of your desktop and use scrollbars around image. If we need bigger than 7500 pixel wide then i will need to change the code so it only displays the relevant bit and interpolates the zoomed are instead of the whole image. The reason ive done it this way is to prevent a recalc on saving.

Save now interpolates upto 720x576 regardless unless ou have already zoomed the image passed this pixel level, then zommed size is used.

On the toolbar at the bottom of zoomed view you now have a current image size x,y and a zoom %.

Printout now does the same and interpolates as save but is always 720x576 so it will fit on a portrait A4. I need to add some additional stuff to this printout but as yet i dont know what, soe suggestions would be usefull.

Am still working on the edit (brightness contrast etc) but for obvious reasons this wont effect original images and will just be a basic image manipulation prog. In time if i can find out some good enhancement code ill put this in too!
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by jameswilson »

Added option for Force Aspect
Have moced the old aspect ratio fix into experimental features.
This now displayes the correct aspect ratio but is global. If you have a different aspect eg 4:3 than the normal view provided this will fix this, but you will end up with either horizontal or vertical bars.

James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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