DCS-5300G and interesting fact

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Post by zoneminder »

Actually that may be bogus as I've just noticed that the debug you posted was for zmu and not zmc. Nevertheless I would still suggest checking the zones anyway.
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Post by tenchima »

Hi Phil,

I checked the zones, default does exit, however I changed it's size to check, the results are the same.

What debug info should I have sent?

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Post by tenchima »

Unable to find information regarding the debu_target option. I am however seeing this in the zm,log:

Apr 1 10:16:20 ryoko zmc_m2[23782]: INF [New Debug Level = 5, New Debug Log = /tmp/zm_debug.log.23782]
Apr 1 10:16:20 ryoko zmc_m2[23782]: INF [Starting Capture]
Apr 1 10:16:20 ryoko zmwatch[23713]: INF ['zmc -m 2' starting at 06/04/01 10:16:20, pid = 23782]
Apr 1 10:16:20 ryoko zmdc[23660]: ERR ['zmc -m 2' crashed, exit status 1]
Apr 1 10:16:21 ryoko zmu[23784]: INF [New Debug Level = 5, New Debug Log = /tmp/zm_debug.log.23784]

And that debug log says:

04/01/06 10:16:21.624712 zmu[23784].INF-zm_debug.c/304 [New Debug Level = 5, New Debug Log = /tmp/zm_debug.log.23784]
04/01/06 10:16:21.626803 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/1471 [Got 1 monitors]
04/01/06 10:16:21.629288 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/149 [monitor purpose=0]
04/01/06 10:16:21.629373 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/156 [shm.size=6336588]
04/01/06 10:16:21.629593 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_zone.cpp/49 [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 352x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0]
04/01/06 10:16:21.634631 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/224 [Monitor DCS-5300W has function 2]
04/01/06 10:16:21.635043 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/225 [Monitor DCS-5300W LBF = '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', LBX = 0, LBY = 0]
04/01/06 10:16:21.635078 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/226 [Monitor DCS-5300W IBC = 25, WUC = 5, pEC = 5, PEC = 10, EAF = 1, FRI = 1000, RBP = 7, FM = 0]
04/01/06 10:16:21.635288 zmu[23784].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/1570 [Loaded monitor 2(DCS-5300W), 0 zones]

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Post by tenchima »

I think this may be it. ZMDC.log has:

04/01/2006 10:19:19.994410 zmdc[23660].INF ['zmc -m 2' starting at 06/04/01 10:19:19, pid = 24047]
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x35 0x39

However the file I get if I run it manually through a web browser is a jpeg file.

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Post by zoneminder »

Can you do a

Code: Select all

wget -s -S 'your image url' > logfile
and post the first few lines here.
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Post by tenchima »

I do not have the option -s on my version of wget. Did you mean --spider?

Results with wget -S --spider > logfile:

=> video.jpg
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 01:55:28 GMT
Expires: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:00:01 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 01:55:28 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Server: D-Link Internet Camera
Length: unspecified [text/html]
200 OK


Seems it is not a jpeg....
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Post by tenchima »

Sorry - I realized I had been running the camera in B/W mode as a test.

I put it back to 24 but colour and ran the wget command again:

wget -S > logfile--06:52:55--
=> `video.jpg'
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 13:52:54 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 13:52:54 GMT
Expires: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 13:52:54 GMT
Server: D-Link Internet Camera
Length: unspecified [image/jpeg]

[ <=> ] 3,130 --.--K/s

06:52:55 (53.22 KB/s) - `video.jpg' saved [3130]
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Post by tenchima »

Been away due to illnes.
Not seen any reply - does that indicate no-one can help?

I am more than willing to make the camera available on-line for anyone to test if required. The image downloaded certainly seems to be a valid jpeg...

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Post by zoneminder »

You can PM me the details of how to access the cam and I will take a look over the next few days.
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Post by tenchima »

zoneminder wrote:You can PM me the details of how to access the cam and I will take a look over the next few days.
Hi Phil,

I had to change the password from my last PM (Zoneminder objects to an ! in the password) I will PM you the new password.

I upgraded to 1.22.2. I also debuged for the D-Link. Here is what I see:

06/01/06 12:45:45.170668 zmc_m2[24287].INF-zmc.cpp/183 [Starting Capture]
06/01/06 12:45:45.176226 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/159 [Connected to host, socket = 6]
06/01/06 12:45:45.176556 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/180 [Request sent]
06/01/06 12:45:45.262379 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/225 [Expecting 247 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.262522 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/250 [Read 247 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.262719 zmc_m2[24287].DB4-zm_remote_camera.cpp/302 [Captured header (247 bytes):
'HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
Content-Type: image/jpeg^M
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 19:45:44 GMT^M
Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 19:45:44 GMT^M
Expires: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 19:45:44 GMT^M
Transfer-Encoding: chunked^M
Server: D-Link Internet Camera^M
Connection: close^M
06/01/06 12:45:45.262788 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/320 [Got status '200' (OK), http version 1.1]
06/01/06 12:45:45.262832 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/327 [Got connection 'close']
06/01/06 12:45:45.262914 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/343 [Got content type 'image/jpeg'
06/01/06 12:45:45.282338 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/225 [Expecting 1445 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.282456 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/250 [Read 1445 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.300920 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/225 [Expecting 1319 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.301013 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/250 [Read 1319 bytes]
06/01/06 12:45:45.319885 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/220 [Socket closed]
06/01/06 12:45:45.320152 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/511 [Got end of image by closure, content-length = 2764]
06/01/06 12:45:45.321141 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/521 [Trimmed end of image, new content-length = 2760]
06/01/06 12:45:45.321178 zmc_m2[24287].DB3-zm_remote_camera.cpp/536 [Returning 2760 (2764) bytes of captured content]
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Post by tenchima »

Phew! It now works.

I upgraded to 1.22.2 and changed ZM_HTTP_VERSION under network to a value of 1.0.

I can now pull in the images for default 176x120
And also pull in the larger image eg: 352x240 by using
/cgi-bin/video.jpg?size=2 in the remote host path.

Now all I have to do is get the PTZ to work... :D
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