Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/perl -slw
# Origional:
# Test program to decode the multipart-replace stream that
# ZoneMinder sends. It's a hack for this stream only though
# and could be easily improved. For example we ignore the
# Content-Length.
# Mark J Cox,, February 2006
# ---
# Added onto by Russ Handorf to support multiple "monitors"
# Russ Handorf,, April 2006
# Thanks to BrowserUK and perlmonks for the wonderous teachings of threads!
use Tk;
use Tk::JPEG;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
use IO::Socket;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my $user="webusername";
my $pass="webpassword";
my $host = 'someipaddress';
my @urls = ("/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=1&scale=100&maxfps=5&user=$user&pass=$pass", "/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=2&scale=100&maxfps=5&user=$user&pass=$pass", "/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=3&scale=100&maxfps=5&user=$user&pass=$pass", "/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=4&scale=100&maxfps=5&user=$user&pass=$pass");
my @data :shared = ('') x 4; ## 4 shared image data buffers
my @flags :shared = (0) x 4; ## 4 shared 'image ready' flags
sub loadJpg {
my( $host, $url, $no, $dataref ) = @_;
next if $flags[ $no ]; ## If the flag is still set do nothing
#load the image
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$host,Proto=>'tcp',PeerPort=>80,);
return unless defined $sock;
print $sock "GET $url HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n";
my $status = <$sock>;
die unless ($status =~ m|HTTP/\S+\s+200|);
my ($grab,$jpeg,$data,$image,$thisbuf,$lastimage);
while (my $nread = sysread($sock, $thisbuf, 4096)) {
$grab .= $thisbuf;
if ( $grab =~ s/(.*?)\n--ZoneMinderFrame\r\n//s ) {
$jpeg .= $1;
$jpeg =~ s/--ZoneMinderFrame\r\n//; # Heh, what a
$jpeg =~ s/Content-Length: \d+\r\n//; # Nasty little
$jpeg =~ s/Content-Type: \S+\r\n\r\n//; # Hack
#$data = encode_base64($jpeg);
## copy to the appropriate shared buffer
$dataref->[ $no ] = $data;
## Set the appropriate 'image ready' flag
$flags[ $no ] = 1;
$lastimage->delete if ($lastimage); #essential as Photo leaks!
$lastimage = $image;
undef $jpeg;
undef $data;
$jpeg .= $1 if ($grab =~ s/(.*)(?=\n)//s);
## Start the threads passing
## The host, url, buffer/flag number and buffer reference
my @threads = map{
threads->new( \&loadJpg, $host, $urls[ $_ ], $_, \@data );
} 0 .. 3;
my $stop = 0;
my $mw = MainWindow->new(title=>"Cams");
$mw->minsize( qw(640 480));
my $top = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top');
my $bottom = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side=>'bottom');
## Use an array, indexed by passed number
my @photos = (
$top->Label()->pack(-side => 'left'),
$top->Label()->pack(-side => 'right'),
$bottom->Label()->pack(-side => 'left'),
$bottom->Label()->pack(-side => 'right'),
$mw->Button(-text=>"Stop",-command => sub { exit; })->pack();
## Set up a regular callback in the main thread that
## a) checks the flags for each image
## and if it is set
## b) Locks the data
## c) Encodes the data
## d) Creates a Photo object from it
## e) Sets it into the widget
## f) Clears the flag ready for the next
$mw->repeat( 1000, sub{
for my $n ( 0 .. 3 ) {
if( $flags[ $n ] ) {
lock( @data );
my $data = encode_base64( $data[ $n ] );
$image[ $n ]->delete if $image[ $n ]; ## Addendum:
$image[ $n ] = $mw->Photo( -format=>'jpeg', -data=>$data );
$photos[ $n ]->configure( -image => $image[ $n ] );
$flags[ $n ] = 0;
} );