Thanks for this. I have reproduced the issue here and it looks like I was overdiligent in adding the AlarmMaxFPS to db queries and added it to one for a table that didn't have the column.
This patch should address the issue until I get a fix out properly.
Code: Select all
*** zm_html_view_monitor.php 12 Apr 2006 13:27:24 -0000 1.51
--- zm_html_view_monitor.php 2 May 2006 09:54:17 -0000
*** 112,118 ****
if ( !empty($preset) )
! $result = mysql_query( "select Type, Device, Channel, Format, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, Controllable, ControlId, ControlDevice, ControlAddress, DefaultRate, DefaultScale from MonitorPresets where Id = '$preset'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$preset = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
--- 112,118 ----
if ( !empty($preset) )
! $result = mysql_query( "select Type, Device, Channel, Format, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, MaxFPS, Controllable, ControlId, ControlDevice, ControlAddress, DefaultRate, DefaultScale from MonitorPresets where Id = '$preset'" );
if ( !$result )
die( mysql_error() );
$preset = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );