My problem is as follows:
I started with 1.21.4 LiveCd installed to HDD.
6 monitors: 4 cams on a 4port card + two remote cams, one an IP Cam the other a webcam on another computer using ConquerCam.
Ran fine for months until I messed with it.

I downloaded and tried the install the update to 1.22.1 that failed, I then downloaded and installed the 1.22.0 RPM.. that worked but not very well.
I then tried the update again.. and got DB authentication errors. But corrected those.
Now the console come up saying I have 1.22.1 but ZM is stopped.
tail zmpkg.log reports "zmpkg[8790].ERR [unable to run "/usr/local/bin/zmfix", output is ""]"
I tried gdb zmfix which reported Program exited with code 0377.
I am lost please help..
Sorry for the long post.