My 4 Chip Capture card arrived today, the one they sent me isn't the one which I ordered based on .
They sent a generic looking unboxed card. It does look like it's probably good build quality though. Looking carefully it's got 4 BT878 Chips and has 2 D-Plugs on the back. The Manual (more like pamphlet) that came with it tells me thatD-Plug1 (DB1) is for video in, but doesn't mention what DB2, GPIO Port or "Watch Dog" connection port are for. In addition there are 4 small ports that look like serial port headers on a Motherboard but no mention is made of those at all.
There's a picture of the driver installer screen under windows which show 4 audio capture ports as well, so I'm guessing that's DB2?
The PDF Manual can be found bt Googlking "PV/SD-149P", but I couldn't work out how to link top the PDF page.
I'm guessing it'll work with Linux, but I have no way of testing it's performance levels as I don't have cameras yet, I'm testing using composite out from a VCR as source.
Anyone aware of the PV/SD-149P? I'm re-installing Linux right now to tidy up and correct some mistakes I obvioulsy made last try. I'll post my limited compatibilty results in the Wiki.
PV/SD-149P PCI Capture Card? Anyone any experience of this?
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- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:07 pm
- Location: Midlands UK
sorry i dont know it off hand.
DB2, GPIO Port or "Watch Dog"
I would assume DB2 is the next 8 inputs
GPIO is an I/O for the card but wont be supported by bttv
Watchdog again a windows thing i would think usually has 2 2pin plugs for connecting to your reset swich and reset header on the mobo. Is desgned for when the card thinks the pc has bombed it can 'reset' it
DB2, GPIO Port or "Watch Dog"
I would assume DB2 is the next 8 inputs
GPIO is an I/O for the card but wont be supported by bttv
Watchdog again a windows thing i would think usually has 2 2pin plugs for connecting to your reset swich and reset header on the mobo. Is desgned for when the card thinks the pc has bombed it can 'reset' it
James Wilson
Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Simplty Automate, ... rodId=5462StanislawS wrote:Where do you buy this card? Thx, Stas
I'll say again that I've merely got as far as getting it to display composite input, I can't comment on it's performance, I have no cameras yet, merely a VCR test source and don't yet know how to check it's framrate performance etc.
- Posts: 5111
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:07 pm
- Location: Midlands UK
Looking at this card i think its the same as the ivc 200 that people use on here. It has 4 chips so can do 25/30 fps per input but id be wary of adding loads of cards in the same machine i have yet to try a 4 chip card that will play with another of the same type.
But I would expect performave of this card to be good
But I would expect performave of this card to be good
James Wilson
Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.