Alarm state whilst recording...

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Alarm state whilst recording...

Post by PhGreen »

Would it be feasible to alter the record and mocord modes so they are record, but without being in a constant alarm state.

The reasoning behind this would be to allow constant recording, whilst allowing monitoring, say in a montage view, without alarms flashing all day. Obviously this would be slightly different for mocords, ie recording, but hitting an alarm state when necessary.

Thanks for any feedback.
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Post by jameswilson »

what do you mean a manual only record, so no recording normally then recording when an operator decides?
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by PhGreen »

That's doable by forcing an alarm from the monitor window I think?

At the moment, having a monitor in record mode puts that monitor in alarm state. I'd like to know if we could have the record mode to be 'silent', in that the functionality is the same but without a 'visible' alarm state.
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Post by jameswilson »

record mode should not be in alarm, normally unless you have linked monitors.
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by PhGreen »

My apologies, my users had been messing and linked a monitor.
However, along the same lines, when viewing a recording monitor in the single monitor view, despite not having an alarm state, my alarm sound - used for different workstation - bings and bongs constantly.
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Post by jameswilson »

I have seen this too and cant remeber what i did. It would be useful to track this down. I suppose one way might be to force the alarm then cancel it. If that doesnt do it id try deleting the zone
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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