Everything looks good but there's no image

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Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:22 am

Everything looks good but there's no image

Post by Manwe »

I have:

Debian Etch
Apache 2
ZM 1.22.3
AXIS 206

It took me two days to configure everything until the ZM is working and the console shows the "Running" status.

Then I got to a point where everything looked good but when I opened the Monitor to check the image comming from the camera there it showed a broken link image icon

I thought I did something wrong as I did a thousand changes in the configuration to get ZM running, so I decided to start from scratch.

I installed everthing from 0: Debina Etch, Apache2, Mysql5, PHP5, compile ZM, etc.
Now it took me just a couple of hours for everything, but the result is exactly the same... there's a broken link image icon showing all the time.

I have checked that my camera is generating jpg images and it does under xxx.xxx.xxx/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?resolution=160x120
The host username and password format is username:password@IP

Moreover, if I click on the Zones column link that does show the image!!!

Any Idea?
Posts: 441
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:19 pm

Post by Flash_ »

I'd guess permissions, given you're getting a picture in zones.

Quick and dirty fix:

chmod -R 755 /path/to/your/images/directory/*

Might work. A burrow through the logs (Apache's error_log too) might give you more info - whether the file is missing or not permitted.