i think so you need to setup an your own email server first. please use google for 'reverse zone', if you send emails from your own domain, or use login\password\address in the config for external server.
Could you give me an example of your configuration of ZM in order to send email, there are several day that I try but ZM never sends email...
What's my error?
sorry, i dont used this feature but i think you need setup your sendmail first (or what software you use for sending e-mails from your machine)
i dont think what ZM can do itself this job, ZM is not a mail server or gateway..
I checking the code of zmfilter.pl and next of the perl module MIME:Lite and Net::SMTP.. ZM doesn't need SENDEMAIL...it's completely autonomous........................... but I didn't able to configure at this time... ... but sendmail isn't my problem............