rdmelin wrote:gola10 would you mind reporting whether upgrading or downgrading the timezone package as was suggested to you in your other thread made any difference.
Instead of downgrading i am running from Livecd Mandriva 2007 zoneminder, i see that installed Time Zone package is "Timezone -2-4-7mdv2007.0" and with it the problem is present.
Now, i am running from hard disk that has all updates applied and see that Update is "Timezone-2007c-1.1mdv2007.0" and is already installed in my installation and the problem is also present.
Ross, i know i bang on about this from time to time and you know im a fan of the 2006 non live version.
I prefered the non live version as the installer seemed to be easier for me anyway. But its installer kernal is getting a bit long in the tooth and it doent like various sata chipsets. Id use the 2007 version but it wont installer /var to a raid 0 or raid 1 array.
So im wondering, does such a thing as a non live 2007 exist that could be modded? Or can we add raid installer support to the live version (i looked at this on 10.1 and pclos but it looked a non-starter)
Hi James,
At this point your best bet would be to install from Mandriva's CDs and then add zm manually. If you set up ftp sources including plf and collect zm and the few perl mods on a CD or usb thumb drive it should be fairly painless. Just cd to the media where the zm and perl packages are and do "urpmi *.rpm" and all the other dependancies should be resolved and downloaded.
I just don't have the time needed to assemble another installation CD now. I will try to get a look at supporting raid on the livecd sometime soon but don't hold your breath