I though i had this fixed -- it was caputuring last night late but the cameras
were dark this afternoon no capture below are the log error msgs
zm 1.22.3
strict config is off
cgi path is set to zms
zmdc.log error
06/11/2007 13:51:35.675203 zmdc[10275].ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video0' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Jun 11 13:56:45 siduxbox zmc_dvideo0[10326]: INF [Starting Capture]
Jun 11 13:56:45 siduxbox kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=0 irq=4426978/4426978, risc=1b263000, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW
Jun 11 13:56:45 siduxbox zmc_dvideo0[10326]: ERR [Sync failure for frame 0 buffer 0(1): Input/output error]
Jun 11 13:56:45 siduxbox zmdc[10275]: ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video0' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
messages log
Jun 11 14:02:05 siduxbox kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Jun 11 14:02:05 siduxbox kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Jun 11 14:02:05 siduxbox zmc_dvideo0[10341]: INF [Starting Capture]
Jun 11 14:02:05 siduxbox kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=0 irq=4426979/4426979, risc=1b263000, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW
bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
bttv0: timeout: drop=0 irq=4426991/4426991, risc=1b263000, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW
bttv1: reset, reinitialize
bttv1: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
bttv1: timeout: drop=0 irq=1968220/1968220, risc=1b86e000, bits: VSYNC HSYNC
shared memory
siduxbox:/tmp# ipcs -m
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x7a6d2001 1343488 www-data 700 9217188 0
0x7a6d2002 1376257 www-data 700 9217188 0
0x00000000 65538 root 600 737284 7 dest
0x7a6d2003 1409027 www-data 700 9217188 0
i think the shared memory is ok assuming the shmall is pages and shmmax bytes
siduxbox:/tmp# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall 2097152
siduxbox:/tmp# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax 33554432
any help would be appreciated
no video hsync problem
no a couple of days ago, late i had zone minder zmd capture daemons
running (2) with no log errors it was like 3AM and the cameras were dark
i was working remotely via ssh as this is friends box. When i looked again
they were not working and throwing irq errors as per my previous post.
My gut feeling is this is a borderline irq problem related to the kernel and the
the bttv driver-- from what i have been able to find on the web this has occured before with 2.6.8 10 and later kernels it was working then it quit.
Most of what i found on the web was for other programs but the bttv error
message where the same as i was seeing with zm.
The box and hardware had been running zm
with an earlier kernel but the install had been trashed by someone who had no clue of what they were doing. I was in town for a meeting and as a favor put a fresh debian sid(sidux) and built zm 1.22.3 for him. Ran out of time and told him i would config it remotely on the condition he kept his hands out of the config file.
Have you seen this before? It is missing interupts and causing an overflow contition for frame sync buffer. I looked at cat /proc/interupts it is a four
chip card and two of the /dev/video# channels had an interupt to themselfs
i.e. were not sharing the interupt with anything. Could not get those to work either
running (2) with no log errors it was like 3AM and the cameras were dark
i was working remotely via ssh as this is friends box. When i looked again
they were not working and throwing irq errors as per my previous post.
My gut feeling is this is a borderline irq problem related to the kernel and the
the bttv driver-- from what i have been able to find on the web this has occured before with 2.6.8 10 and later kernels it was working then it quit.
Most of what i found on the web was for other programs but the bttv error
message where the same as i was seeing with zm.
The box and hardware had been running zm
with an earlier kernel but the install had been trashed by someone who had no clue of what they were doing. I was in town for a meeting and as a favor put a fresh debian sid(sidux) and built zm 1.22.3 for him. Ran out of time and told him i would config it remotely on the condition he kept his hands out of the config file.
Have you seen this before? It is missing interupts and causing an overflow contition for frame sync buffer. I looked at cat /proc/interupts it is a four
chip card and two of the /dev/video# channels had an interupt to themselfs
i.e. were not sharing the interupt with anything. Could not get those to work either