We noticed that we're getting a few folks using Yoics to configure remote access to their Zoneminder boxes & since we actually use it ourselves for our Zoneminder servers - we thought we'd publish a set of instructions. With Yoics, you can get remote access to your Zoneminder box even if it's behind a dynamic IP address, without having to poke a hole in your firewall. You can also grant temporary access to anyone with a Yoics ID.
Download yoics linux daemon
wget http://www.yoics.net/downloads/firmware ... 2.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf Yoics-Daemon-Linux-v2.1.tar.gz
enter unpacked directory
cd cd linux_V2_1/
Run install
Enable automatic startup
type chkconfig --levels 345 yoics on
start daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/yoics start
If you already have a Yoics ID, just login to http://yoics.net and name & register your Zoneminder server, in the New devices screen (presuming you're using a machine on the same network as your Zoneminder box - it should automatically detect it).
If you don't have a Yoics ID, simply create one & complete the step above.
Once you've done that, download and run the Yoics desktop that you need (Windows or Mac currently, sorry no Linux yet):http://yoics.com/download.php
The Yoics desktop works just like an IM client & you simply double-click on your Zoneminder box & it should spawn a browser giving you access. You can use the mydevices page on http://yoics.net to configure who has permission to access the box.
Any questions, feel free to PM us.
Ryo & Mike
Yoics, Inc.
Easy access to Zoneminder through dynamic IP address
Yea if you can physically install the box and have access to the router DynDns and IP forwarding can work well.
But if you need to ship a box and want it to work right out of the box Yoics is very helpful as you can use DHCP on the zoneminder box and you don't have to port forward for remote access / remote support.
The customer just has to plug it in.
As an added benefit Hackers and port scanners don't have access to the zoneminder box login screen as there is no port to scan, and the connection is encrypted so there are no passwords to sniff when your at the coffee shop looking at your cameras.
But if you need to ship a box and want it to work right out of the box Yoics is very helpful as you can use DHCP on the zoneminder box and you don't have to port forward for remote access / remote support.
The customer just has to plug it in.
As an added benefit Hackers and port scanners don't have access to the zoneminder box login screen as there is no port to scan, and the connection is encrypted so there are no passwords to sniff when your at the coffee shop looking at your cameras.