***Updated 2007-08-22***
I am not an expert, not even close. This is just what worked for me in my situation. Also, I have no idea if this is the right/secure way of doing things. Please excuse any typos, misinformation, horrible formatting or incoherent ramblings.
- 1. Do a plain installation of Ubuntu server edition without LAMP or DNS.
2. Log in to the root account.3. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the 3rd (I think) line so it will not look to the cd anymore.Code: Select all
sudo -i
4. UpdateCode: Select all
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
5. UpgradeCode: Select all
apt-get update
6. Install ssh so you can use a Windows/Linux with a GUI machine to make any copy/pasting a lot easier.Code: Select all
apt-get upgrade
7. Get the ZonerMinder package (and thank Peter)Code: Select all
apt-get install ssh
8. Install the package. (This will complain about the missing dependencies but, step #9 should fix that.)Code: Select all
wget ftp://www.northern-ridge.com.au/zoneminder/ubuntu/edgy/zoneminder_1.22.3-8_i386.deb
Code: Select all
dpkg -i zoneminder_1.22.3-8_i386.deb
9. Fix the package dependices.10. Create a symbolic link so Apache uses the correct configutation file.Code: Select all
apt-get –f install
11. Install patch so you can patch files.Code: Select all
ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf
12. Move to the ZoneMinder directoryCode: Select all
apt-get install patch
13. Get the filter patch file.Code: Select all
cd /usr/share/zoneminder
14. Apply the patchCode: Select all
wget http://www.zoneminder.com/downloads/zm-1.22.3-filter.patch
15. I read somewhere that you had to chown one of the files after patching it.Code: Select all
patch -p0 < zm-1.22.3-filter.patch
Code: Select all
chown www-data:www-data zm_actions.php
Obviously this does not take into account the installation of capture cards and making sure they work. I was using the Kworld DVD Maker PCI cards that I picked up at my local Fry’s Electronics for a tad under $30 but, I recently purchased a 4-port card from Bluecherry and returned the other ones.