Help! My Debian Unstable and Axis 206 dont seem to work.

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Help! My Debian Unstable and Axis 206 dont seem to work.

Post by trevorj »

I am running ZoneMinder 1.22.3 on Debian Unstable. I installed it with apt-get, and followed the FAQ in the wiki to get web-access functional.

I'm trying to record the feed from an Axis 206 IP Camera, but I cant get it to capture or show any images (either Mjpeg or JPG). I tried the camera on default settings, and on customized settings, and I know that the camera itself is functioning perfectly. I tried using the preset settings for an axis 206 in zoneminder, and I made sure that I was definitely specifying the correct IP and path values, but it still doesn't work.

I have been unable to find any other situations like this, where the Debian unstable install doesn't work just right out of the box.

My zmdc.log is the only log with output that looks out of the ordinary:

zmdc[3082].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
zmdc[3082].INF ['zmc -m1'' starting at 07/10/01 10:47:12, pid = 3214]
zmdc[3082].ERR ['zmc -m1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]

I omitted the prefix timestamps, but this all occurs in the same second (from 10:47:12.092 to 10:47:12.118). m1 is the Axis 206.

This is running on a Dell PowerEgde 2900, Xeon 5130 2GHz, 2 Gigs 667 MHz RAM, and a Terabyte of RAID5 250 GB drives, so I dont think that my problem is insufficient hardware, especially since ZoneMinder and it's dependencies are the only things running.

Any ideas?
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Post by jameswilson »

what res you trying to capture
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

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Post by jameswilson »

should work, can you wget an image from the cam?
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

Okay, I can view captured images frame-by-frame in the event's section of the web interface, but I cant stream or view the frames in motion.

It's recording the frames in both MJPEG and JPEG, but it dont stream or playback either MJPEG or JPEG.

EDIT: On a sidenote, do you happen to know the default location as to where the images are stored in debian?
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Post by jameswilson »

ah so its recording but not streaming, what your logs say (not your zm ones)
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

Please excuse my newbieness, but which logs are you talking about?
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Post by jameswilson »

start with your messages log and see whats in there when it fails to stream, im guessign we have a path issue and apache will moan about it. If not messages try one of your httpd logs, but i dont know debian at all
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

There is a lot of "Error, unable to authenticate user" in my apahce2/error.log file.

There is also quite a bit of ZM capture deamon restarting in my /var/log/messages.

I ran a copy of the live CD on this system, and the camera worked just fine in the live CD ZM. I would still prefer to get this debian version up and running, I'm not much of a mandriva guy myself.
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Post by jameswilson »

lol im not much of a debian man

The fact that apache is restartarting is bad but your auth issue may be behind it. Id investigate that first ie disable auth etc
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

I didnt say apache was restarting, I said that ZoneMinder's Capture Daemon was restarting
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Post by jameswilson »

oh yeah
But i stick to my original response that you need to track down the cause of the auth failures.
Fix that then we can look at the zmc restarts
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

Okay. I have further simplified down the errors.

It would appear that ZoneMinder is perfectly capable of streaming in JPEG mode, but it just cant stream in MPEG. I am now assuming that this is /true/ MPEG, and that MJPEG is infact JPEG and not MPEG as I originally thought.

More importantly, though, I experience lockups in the stream on fairly regular intervals. They seem to last about 10 seconds before the image becomes live again. They occur both in the live stream, and in the actual recorded events. Does anybody know why it would do that? It does this on both http 1.0 and 1.1. The camera is also definatly up during this time. I think it has something to do with ZM halting the capture.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
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Post by jameswilson »

mpeg streaming needs ffmpeg compiled in the right way to match your zm build. I have never got this to work apart from using either ctu zm or the live cd's.
Now we need to see why the capture deamon is restarting and for that i suggest you up your debug level and see whats in the debug logs
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by trevorj »

I'm running debug level 9.

The logs seem to show it getting sub content length/types successfully from the camera. Then it shows "Unable to extract subheader from stream, retrying" and then shows "Socket Closed". It attempts to extract the subheader from the stream again, fails and tries to retry, but then it says "Got signal (Segmentation Fault), crashing".

Then that debug log ends.