I have installed the zoneminder by the source code compiling with this configure options:
Im runing Ubuntu Server 7.04 and my capture card is a PICO 2000 "00:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)"./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ZoneMinder-1.22.3 --with-ffmpeg --with-webdir=/var/www/zoneminder --with-cgidir=/var/www/zoneminder/cgi ZM_DB_PASS=mypassword ZM_DB_NAME=db_zoneminder ZM_DB_USER=myuser
Everything was correct, the apache server went up, the console in the web opens, i can add my monitors etc... i can normally start the ZM with the shell command /etc/init.d/zm start and no error is shown, but when i open the web console in a browser the status is shown STOPPED and when i click over it to change to Start the web page reloads and the status keeps shown STOPPED the daemons zmc, zmpkg.pl keeps running in "# top" command, i don´t know what else i can do....
Please help,
Sorry by the terrible english...