Sony SNC-RZ50 working control script

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Sony SNC-RZ50 working control script

Post by Crux »

Hi everyone,

I'm newly registered and this is my first post, but I've been visiting the site for a while. I have a couple Sony SNC-RZ50n cameras that I've been trying to get working and I think I've done it.

If there is sufficient interest, I'll happily release the code and setting information required to remotely control the camera using Zoneminder.

I haven't seen a lot of posts related to the RZ50n, so I really have no idea how many people are using them.

Anyway, hi! :)
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Post by cordel »

If you post it, I'll add it to the wiki :wink:
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Post by Crux »

Ok, thanks!

Here is the code. Sorry folks, I don't really have a place to host this that is open to the world and I'm not much of a fan of the public hosting sites. If anyone has the spare bandwidth to host this in a file format that can be publicly accessible, please feel free to host. :)
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# ==========================================================================
# ZoneMinder Sony SNC-RN50 Control Script, $Date: 2006/04/18 08:53:15 $, $Revision: .3 $
# Copyright (C) 2006 Glenn Neufeld
# Adapted From:
# ZoneMinder VISCA Control Script, $Date: 2005/07/14 08:53:15 $, $Revision: 1.6 $
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Philip Coombes
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ==========================================================================

use strict;
#use Switch;

# ==========================================================================
# These are the elements you need to edit to suit your installation
# ==========================================================================

use constant DBG_ID => "zmctrl-sncrz50"; # Tag that appears in debug to identify source
use constant DBG_LEVEL => 0; # 0 is errors, warnings and info only, > 0 for debug

# ==========================================================================

use ZoneMinder;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;

$| = 1;

$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
$ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL};

sub Usage
print( "
Usage: <various>
exit( -1 );

zmDbgInit( DBG_ID, level=>DBG_LEVEL );

# Values that need to be initialized with a value of 0
my ($currentPan, $currentTilt, $currentSpeed, $speed, $step,
$xcoord, $ycoord, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, $panstep,
$tiltstep, $preset ) = 0;

my $arg_string = join( " ", @ARGV );

# Uncomment for error log debug
#print STDERR "ARGS = $arg_string\n";

# Initialize the remaining variables
my ($device, $command, $height, $width);

# ==============================================================
# Must be set statically at this time
my $address = "user:pass\";
# ==============================================================

# Massive array of http commands and possible args:
my %cameraCommands = (
'move_map' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?AreaZoom=$xcoord,$ycoord,0,0,jpeg"',
'move_abs_up' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up,0"',
'move_abs_down' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down,0"',
'move_abs_left' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=left,0"',
'move_abs_right' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=right,0"',
'move_abs_upleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up-left,0"',
'move_abs_upright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up-right,0"',
'move_abs_downleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down-left,0"',
'move_abs_downright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down-right,0"',
'move_stop' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=stop,motor"',
'zoom_rel_tele' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=tele,8"',
'zoom_rel_wide' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=wide,8"',
'preset_home' => '$evalString = "/command/presetposition.cgi?HomePos=ptz-recall"',

if ( !GetOptions(

# In order to map the coordinates correctly,
# we need to map according to the camera's
# relative coordinates

srand( time() );

# Given a zm_command, execute it using http commo to the camera
sub doCommand
my $httpCommand;
#my $command = @_;

Debug ("doCommand => " . $command."\n");
$httpCommand = $cameraCommands{ $command };
#Debug("doCommand => " . $httpCommand . "\n" );
#print( $httpCommand . "\n" );

if ( $httpCommand )
my $result = "";
my $a = "";
my $evalString = "";


# Uncomment for error log debug
#print STDERR "$evalString\n";

$httpCommand = "http://$address" . eval($httpCommand);
#$httpCommand =~ s/ //g;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent( "ZoneMinder Control Agent/".ZM_VERSION );

Debug( $httpCommand );

# Uncomment for error log debug
#print STDERR "The full command = $httpCommand\n";

my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>$httpCommand );
my $res = $ua->request($req);

print( $res->as_string );

if ( $res->is_success )
$result = !undef;
Error( "doCommand => Error check failed: '".$res->status_line()."'\n" );

# In order to use this camera, we need to issue a stop command
# after each command is sent. This mimics the Java applet
my $stop;
if ($httpCommand =~ /(.*)tele(.*)/ || $httpCommand =~ /(.*)wide(.*)/)
sleep 1;
$stop = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=stop,zoom";
$stop = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=stop,motor";

my $stopCommand = "http://$address" . $stop;
my $s_req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>$stopCommand );
my $s_res = $ua->request($s_req);
print( $result."\n" );
{ Debug("Error, can't handle command $command\n")}

sub getCurrentPTZData
my $currentPos = "";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent( "ZoneMinder Control Agent/".ZM_VERSION );

#my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>"http://$address/command/ptzf.cgi?AbsolutePanTilt=5,5,5" );
#my $res = $ua->request($req);

my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>"http://$address/command/inquiry.cgi?inq=ptzf" );
my $res = $ua->request($req);

if ( $res->is_success )
# print($res->as_string . "\n");
$currentPos = $res->content;
Debug( $currentPos );
$currentPos =~ s/AbsolutePanTilt\=// ;
$currentPos =~ s/\n// ;
$currentPos =~ s/\r// ;
Debug( $currentPos );
my @xy = split( /,/ , $currentPos);
Debug( @xy );
$currentPan = $xy[0];
$currentTilt = $xy[1];
#Debug( "Read Current Cam Position As: (".$currentPan.",".$currentTilt.")..." );
#print( "Read Current Cam Position As: (".$xy[0].",".$xy[1].")\n");
#print( $xy[0] . "\n");
#print( $xy[1] . "\n");
#$result = !undef;

Error( "getPTZ... => Error check failed: '".$res->status_line()."'\n" );


# Usage here, too
if ( $command eq "" )

Debug( "Passed => " . $arg_string . "\n" );

# Read the absolute pan and tilt and speed values from the camera

A# If relative...
# Relative values idea of positive and negative are weird - figure them out.
# pan and tilt speed are send - disable them in camera control setup page?
# Also, diagonal movement is strange. Different with pan/tilt speeds available?
# Should I ignore the speeds entirely?
#$tiltstep = abs($tiltstep);
#$panstep = abs($panstep);

# If absolute...

# Check passed params and normalize or default them
if ( !$tiltstep ) { $tiltstep = $currentTilt };
if ( !$panstep ) { $panstep = $currentPan };
if ( !$tiltspeed ) { $tiltspeed = 10 };
if ( !$panspeed ) { $panspeed = 10 };

# Run it
doCommand( $command );

# The following information is not used #
# by the Sony SNC-RN50 #
# with this script but are left in #
# for future development #
#'reset' => '$evalString = "/adm/file.cgi?next_file=camera.htm&todo=save&h_v_mode=mpeg"',
# RESET/SLEEP sets MPEG mode to play nice with IE users of this Camera.
#'sleep' => '$evalString = "/adm/file.cgi?next_file=camera.htm&todo=save&h_v_mode=mpeg"',
# WAKE should put the camera into JPEG mode for ZM.
#'wake' => '$evalString = "/adm/file.cgi?next_file=camera.htm&todo=save&h_v_mode=jpeg"',
#'move_con_up' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up,$speed"',
#'move_con_down' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down,0"',
#'move_con_left' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=left,0"',
#'move_con_right' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=right,0"',
#'move_con_upleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up-left,0"',
#'move_con_upright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=up-right,0"',
#'move_con_downleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down-left,0"',
#'move_con_downright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?Move=down-right,0"',
#'move_abs_upleft' => quotemeta("function($panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed)"),
#'move_abs_upright' => quotemeta("function($panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed)"),
#'move_abs_downleft' => quotemeta("function($panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed)"),
#'move_abs_downright' => quotemeta("function($panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed)"),
#'move_rel_up' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=0,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_rel_down' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=0,-$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_rel_left' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=-$panstep,0,$panspeed"',
#'move_rel_right' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=$panstep,0,$panspeed"',
#'move_rel_upleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=$panstep,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_rel_upright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=$panstep,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_rel_downleft' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=$panstep,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_rel_downright' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?RelativePanTilt=$panstep,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_abs_up' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?AbsolutePanTilt=$currentPan,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_abs_down' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?AbsolutePanTilt=$currentPan,$tiltstep,$tiltspeed"',
#'move_abs_left' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?AbsolutePanTilt=$panstep,$currentTilt,$panspeed"',
#'move_abs_right' => '$evalString = "/command/ptzf.cgi?AbsolutePanTilt=$panstep,$currentTilt,$panspeed"',
#up, down = tiltstep, tiltspeed
#right, left = panstep, panspeed
#'zoom_con_tele' => quotemeta("function($speed)"),
#'zoom_con_wide' => quotemeta("function($speed)"),
#'zoom_stop' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'zoom_abs_wide' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'zoom_abs_tele' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'focus_con_near' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'focus_con_far' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'focus_stop' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'focus_rel_near' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'focus_rel_far' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'focus_abs_near' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'focus_abs_far' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'focus_auto' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'focus_man' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_con_in' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_con_out' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_stop' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_rel_in' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_rel_out' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_auto' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'white_man' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'iris_con_open' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'iris_con_close' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'iris_stop' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'iris_rel_open' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'iris_rel_close' => quotemeta("function($step)"),
#'iris_auto' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'iris_man' => quotemeta("function()"),
#'preset_set' => quotemeta("function($preset)"),
#'preset_goto' => quotemeta("function($preset)")
#if ( !$tiltstep ) { if ( $tiltstep != 0 ) { $tiltstep = $currentTilt } };
#if ( !$panstep ) { if ( $panstep != 0 ) { $panstep = $currentPan } };
#if ( !$tiltspeed ) { if ( $tiltspeed != 0 ) { $tiltspeed = 5 } };
#if ( !$panspeed ) { if ( $panspeed != 0 ) { $panspeed = 5 } };
Zoneminder settings are as follows.

Follow the instructions in previous Sony Network camera instructions and make the camera remote and controllable. The remote camera should be set to jpeg mode.

General: Name->(name); Source Type->Remote; Function->Remote; Enabled; Maximum FPS-> 30.00

Source: Remote Host Name->(must match your camera schema); Remote Host Port->(must match your camera - default is 80); Remote Host Path->/mjpeg; Remote Image Colors->24bit; Capture Width->(must match camera - default is 640); Capture Height->(must match camera - default is 480); Orientation->Normal

Control:Controllable->check; Control Type->click the edit link

Then, follow the edit link to create your control parameters.

Add New Control
Main: Name->Sony-SNC ; Type->Remote; Command->
Move: check the following: Can Move; Can Move Diagonally; Can Move Mapped; Can Move Absolute
Pan: check the following: Can Pan; Has Pan Speed
Tilt: check the following: Can Tilt; Has Tilt Speed
Zoom: check the following: Can Zoom; Can Zoom Absolute; Can Zoom Relative.

Save it. Now from your main Monitor setting, select the new Control and check the "Controllable" box.

You should be able to leave the rest alone. The script takes into account the other variables. Naturally, you are welcome to make your own adjustments and I have left a substantial amount of code at the bottom of the script for future development is other folks feel so inclined.

And that should be all you need to get the camera functional. If you have any troubles, verify traffic connectivity using either debug parameter setting or apache2 error logs. Also, log into your camera's built in software and refresh the access logs to see what is being passed to the camera.

If I've forgotten anything, let me know.

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Post by alabarym »

Could you please tell me how should i name this script and where should i place it.
I'm going to use it for SNC-DF70P and SNC-RX550 cameras.
What will be possible differences in script for those cameras?
Thanks in advance
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Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:06 pm

Post by Crux »

alabarym wrote:Could you please tell me how should i name this script and where should i place it.
I'm going to use it for SNC-DF70P and SNC-RX550 cameras.
What will be possible differences in script for those cameras?
Thanks in advance
I named the script "" and placed it in /usr/bin. At that point, you just need to set the path in the zoneminder interface.

You can name the script anything you want, so long as its executable.

As far as whether or not the script will work with other cameras, I can't say. Unless the command structure is the same, it's unlikely. Your best bet is to have the log open on your camera to see where the cgi path is located and what the commands and variables are.
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If anyone is still reading this thread - Have you had success with this script?

I've followed the instructions and still can't get it to work. According to the control log it says:

Starting Control...
Control Server...
FAT Can't Connect: No Such File or Directory

I've made it executable, and set permissions to 755 and still a no go. Any suggestions?

(If it matters, I'm using 1.23.3 on an Ubuntu 8.10 server machine).
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Post by cordel »

This script will not work on >=1.22.x

Everything has been converted to perl modules.
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Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:32 am

Post by Rainer »

and where can the camera paramters found now?

I try to setup ZM as well but have only flickering picture, black screen or no picture.
log files don't show any error.
I tried all parameters I can choose in ZM to setup the monitor but no change.

I use analog cameras with SONY CCD 420 lines, PAL or NTSC possible.
With a different software I have clear pictures

Anybody any idea?
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