timcraig wrote:My ZM configure was (If I remember right)
./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/html/zm --with-cgidir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin --with-webuser=www-data --with-webgroup=www-data --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
Last night I built ZM on my Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop (my main ZM machine is an Ubuntu 7.10 Server) and I had troubles with ffmpeg. It looks like the ubuntu repository version of ffmpeg (which gets automatically installed in the Desktop edition and probably not the Server edition) causes problems even if you do your own build of ffmpeg. The include files of ffmpeg were not getting overwritten with the latest version when I did the svn source install. I finally had to do what the post at the bottom of this thread did:
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... f035626e64
which is to install the lastest ffmpeg in /opt (passing --prefix=/opt/ in configure) and set ZM's configure option to --with-ffmpeg=/opt
I've been trying to setup ffmpeg in the /opt and I can compile ffmpeg (from svn) and zoneminder (1.23.1) without problems.
Then I've set the "Options|Images|Path to (optional) ffmpeg mpeg encoder" to "/opt/bin/ffmpeg" and set the mpeg encoder to ffmpeg.
When I try to generate a video, I always get the message: "Video Generation Failed!"
When I check the log "/tmp/zmvideo.log" I have two lines:
02/01/08 22:57:16.648877 zmvideo[15778].INF [Creating video file Event-6291-r4-s1.mpg for event 6291]
02/01/08 22:57:16.656702 zmvideo[15778].ERR [Unable to generate video, check /var/www/html/zm/events/1/6291/ffmpeg.log for details]
The file "/var/www/html/zm/events/1/6291/ffmpeg.log" that should contain more details, doesn't exist!
I have authentication active, but without it doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
Best regards.