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Post by rDr4g0n »

Anyone have any other ideas I can try? Is it possible that the hardware is faulty?
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Lee Sharp
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Post by Lee Sharp »

Very possible. memtest86+ is on Ubuntu installs, and the UBCD. I would start to suspect the hardware at this point. Also try a live CD and a live install and see if it hangs. Those run in ram, and if it does, you have a memory problem or a PS problem.
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Post by rDr4g0n »

i connected teh capture hardware to a windows PC and experience the same unreliability. video0 channel1 works the first few times you connect, but after a while it simply stops working. All other channels and devices do not work either. The hardware is detected and drivers installed, but the device doesnt function properly

i can only assume this is the source of the "exited abnormally" errors i kept getting. Im gonna rma this one and see if i can get a new one working. So i guess i wasnt doing everything wrong, perhaps there still hope for me in the linux community?
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Post by rDr4g0n »

I received the new card from bluecherry. I kept reading that they were very helpful with linux noobs which was what gave me the courage to tackle this project, but the guy i spoke to (curtis) didnt seem to willing to assist me.

I have installed the new hardware and i still have the same problems. I have tried the hardware on 2 completely different machines with no luck. I get the same errors on both. I have followed all of the instructions in the faq for installing ZM on ubuntu. I have tried the liveCD on both PCs, but one gives me a kernel error and doestn work, and the other freezes at the splash screen.

The only thing i can think of is to try a compeltely different linux distro. If anyone can offer me any assistance i would appreciate it immensely.
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Post by linuxsense »

Did you ever confirm that you have your shared memory set correctly?

Are the two systems you have used the cards in similar? If they share mainboards or other components you may just have hardware that wont play nice with the cap cards. Since the LiveCD's dont work for you it really points to some sort of hardware issue.
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Post by rDr4g0n »

linuxsense wrote:Did you ever confirm that you have your shared memory set correctly?

Are the two systems you have used the cards in similar? If they share mainboards or other components you may just have hardware that wont play nice with the cap cards. Since the LiveCD's dont work for you it really points to some sort of hardware issue.
yes i have set the shared memory as instructed in this thread and in the faq. the 2 systems are completely different. one is an older nforce2 system while the other is a brank spaking new dell system that came with ubuntu preinstalled. the only common factor is that theyre both use ubuntu.
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Post by linuxsense »

rDr4g0n wrote:
linuxsense wrote:Did you ever confirm that you have your shared memory set correctly?

Are the two systems you have used the cards in similar? If they share mainboards or other components you may just have hardware that wont play nice with the cap cards. Since the LiveCD's dont work for you it really points to some sort of hardware issue.
yes i have set the shared memory as instructed in this thread and in the faq. the 2 systems are completely different. one is an older nforce2 system while the other is a brank spaking new dell system that came with ubuntu preinstalled. the only common factor is that theyre both use ubuntu.
A lot of the nforce2 systems are notorious for being unstable. Since you don't provide details on the Dell I cant comment about it, but I have found a lot of the cheap Dell home PC's to, well, suck. You are 100% sure your shared mem settings are correct? And by 'sure' I mean check it now, don't assume that its OK since you think you set it correctly in the past.

It sounds to me like you need to start fresh and really watch all the details. This should only take minutes to configure. Something that you are sure is configured correctly obviously is not does not take many mistakes to trash a system. But...since the LiveCD's don't work for you it really points at incompatible hardware IMO.
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Post by rDr4g0n »

linuxsense wrote:
rDr4g0n wrote:
linuxsense wrote:Did you ever confirm that you have your shared memory set correctly?

Are the two systems you have used the cards in similar? If they share mainboards or other components you may just have hardware that wont play nice with the cap cards. Since the LiveCD's dont work for you it really points to some sort of hardware issue.
yes i have set the shared memory as instructed in this thread and in the faq. the 2 systems are completely different. one is an older nforce2 system while the other is a brank spaking new dell system that came with ubuntu preinstalled. the only common factor is that theyre both use ubuntu.
A lot of the nforce2 systems are notorious for being unstable. Since you don't provide details on the Dell I cant comment about it, but I have found a lot of the cheap Dell home PC's to, well, suck. You are 100% sure your shared mem settings are correct? And by 'sure' I mean check it now, don't assume that its OK since you think you set it correctly in the past.

It sounds to me like you need to start fresh and really watch all the details. This should only take minutes to configure. Something that you are sure is configured correctly obviously is not does not take many mistakes to trash a system. But...since the LiveCD's don't work for you it really points at incompatible hardware IMO.
just last night i dl'd mandriva and will install zm on it today. hopefully that will be the key to this whole thing.

in case youre interested, the dell PC is inspiron 530n ... WDAL&s=dhs it came with ubuntu and ubuntu ran really well on it (compared to my little oldschool nforce2 system). i was absolutly sure to set the memory settings in sysctl.conf as well as using some other command i cant rememeber to verify that the memory change was in effect (im learning linux wiht this project lol) and follow a series of other steps and fixes listed in teh faq.

but anyway, with mandriva, its a different ball game, and i got a whole new system to learn lol i appreciate the advice. watching the details is pretty tough for me because i really dont have a good understanding of how linux works under the hood, so i really dunno where to look for the details! im hoping this project will increase my linux knowledge, so feel free to explain to me exactly what im doing when im increasing shared memory or editing sysctrl.conf
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Lee Sharp
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Post by Lee Sharp »

Right up to your last post I was going to say to shoot me a PM and I would ssh into it. I have a lot of Ubuntu systems running fine... However, I am not as big a fan of mandriva. Others might be...
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Post by rDr4g0n »

Lee Sharp wrote:Right up to your last post I was going to say to shoot me a PM and I would ssh into it. I have a lot of Ubuntu systems running fine... However, I am not as big a fan of mandriva. Others might be...
aww man that sucks lol

ill tell ya this, so far im not a fan of mandriva or KDE.... if i end up having to reinstall ubuntu, ill send ya a PM if you dont mind...
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Last edited by rDr4g0n on Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by rDr4g0n »

yay ive made progress!!! lemme recap whats going on so this can be as clear as possible...

I reinstalled Ubuntu. This time i installed the ZM package from teh ubuntu repositories. It installed apache and mysql and all that for me. I then followed the steps outlined in the documentation for getting ZM workin on ubuntu:
Link Apache
sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf

Restart Apache
sudo apache2ctl restart

suid zmfix
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/zmfix

Run zmfix
zmfix -a

Fix export problem
sudo chown www-data.www-data /usr/share/zoneminder/temp

edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following lines (for 128meg shared mem)
kernel.shmall = 134217728
kernel.shmmax = 134217728
and a reboot.

well i ran into similar problems as last time, BUT ive partially figured it out! the capture card pigtail labels are ridiculously completely wrong. the manual says one thing, bluecherry said another, and now with a bunch of testing ive figured out that the actual order and location of each video dev and channel is completely different ( and counter intuitive ).

so the capture card has 2 pigtails. each pigtail has 8 bnc connectors. of those 8, 4 are blue and 4 are green. each of those 4 are labeled vid1 - vid4. the map of the first 8 is as follows:

Code: Select all

vid0 channel0 = blue1
vid0 channel1 = green1
vid1 channel0 = blue2
vid1 channel1 = green2
vid2 channel0 = blue3
vid2 channel1 = green3
vid3 channel0 = blue4
vid3 channel1 = green4
so logically, to address the next one, youd try vid4 channel0, but there isnt a vid4. The other thing i tried is other channels, but any channels beyond 0 and 1 simply display a broken link on any vid device.

im getting the same errors and warnings as before in my zmdc.log (these are repeated throughout the log):
02/09/08 12:52:33.495547 zmdc[5307].WAR [Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 13']
02/09/08 12:52:38.193869 zmdc[5307].ERR ['zmc -m 13' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
upon creating video 1 channel 6 (just an arbitrary choice) i get the following:

Code: Select all

02/09/08 13:10:27.746611 zmdc[5307].INF ['zmc -d /dev/video1' stopping at 08/02/09 13:10:27]
02/09/08 13:10:27.802619 zmdc[5307].ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
02/09/08 13:10:27.926082 zmdc[5307].INF ['zmc -d /dev/video1' starting at 08/02/09 13:10:27, pid = 7415]
02/09/08 13:10:28.072429 zmdc[5307].WAR [Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 14']
02/09/08 13:10:28.206006 zmdc[5307].ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
02/09/08 13:10:28.206294 zmdc[5307].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -d /dev/video1]
02/09/08 13:10:28.213529 zmdc[5307].INF ['zmc -d /dev/video1' starting at 08/02/09 13:10:28, pid = 7420]
02/09/08 13:10:28.506386 zmdc[5307].ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
and the debug file has this single error in it (at the end):
02/09/08 13:21:12.148811 zmc_dvideo3[8986].ERR-zm_local_camera.cpp/571 [Failed to get camera source 3: Invalid argument]
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Last edited by rDr4g0n on Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Lee Sharp
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Post by Lee Sharp »

I "might" be able to find it on Dell's site, but you can easier. What chipset is in that system, exactly?
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Post by rDr4g0n »

got it working!!! bluecherry linked me here: ... rticleid=6

which didnt help, but there is a comment on that page:
I have a PV-155 card that I am using with Ubuntu 7.04 amd64. When using card=98 I was only able to access 8 of the sixteen ports video(0-3)(0 and 1). When I switched the module to card=77 I was able to access all 16 ports.
using 77 instead of 98 works (even though 98 is the correct card...)

so this solves one of the main problems! i still dont have everything nailed down perfectly, but its really shaping up. i appreciate all the support, and i will be donating pretty soon :D
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