Interesting: I made the changes to the as suggested. I also put a leading forward slash (/) in front of the Control Address on the monitor configuration control tab /camera ip address:port. Finally, I edited the protocol path in Control Capabilities. Now, when I click on any control arrow, a box titled "The page at http://localhost says:" appears:
Control response was status = 255
Message =
Of course, this is a less than optimal situation, but it is the first time I've ever gotten a response of any kind. Maybe I'm on the right track?
PTZ Controls not working
Fixed (for the most part)
Re-built Linux system and re-installed ZoneMinder 1.23.2. Zoom doesn't work and theres a video delay.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:06 pm
Axis 213
I have Axis 213 but couldnt get to move...
WV-NS202A can pan and tilt using PanasonicIP control module
Has anyone got Zoom function to work Panasonic IP WV-NS202a with ZM 1.23.1?