Stop video and single frame playback

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Stop video and single frame playback

Post by l8nite4me »


Would it be possible to be able to stop playback of an event and then begin single frame progression.

While watching events there are times that I would like to stop the video and progress one frame at a time in either direction. I know I could go to the stills and find the frame and then use the next and previous options, but I thought this would be a time saver.

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Post by zoneminder »

Unfortunately there's no way to do it directly except that if you using the mpeg format and so the WMP plugin you can make it show the controls. To do this edit zm_html_view_event.php and change

<PARAM NAME="showControls" VALUE="false">


<PARAM NAME="showControls" VALUE="true">

though I confess I don't know if it will still fit in the same sized window.

I am planning to implement a new java viewer which will have the ability to pause, rewind and forward stream. Some of this will be local (e.g. buffering a paused stream) but I also intend it to be able to feedback to the server to speed up replay for example directly.

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