Detect when image changes to B/W?

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Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 10:42 pm

Detect when image changes to B/W?

Post by vonTrapp »

I have one of those dual chip cameras that switches between them at low light conditions.

Basically it consists of 2 cameras with different capabilities in one casing.
One captures in colour and the other in black and white.

The problem is that at low light conditions the camera automatically switches from the colour to the b/w camera. Not only that but each camera has a different angle of view so all my zones end up way off at night.

I know that I can have two different modes set up in ZM, one for each camera. But the trouble is knowing when to switch between them.

I was thinking of maybe using sunset/sunrise times to trigger the change but this is not reliable in cloudy conditions.

If I knew when the camera went into the night mode I could then trigger the night presets in ZM.

Does anyone know how I could detect when the image changes from coloured to b/w and vice versa?

Thank you in advance.