Hi there,
Maybe there is already a feature for this in the later versions? I have been using 1.22.2 for a long time, and am just upgrading to 1.23.3 (mdv2007)
If its not able to (which I didnt read any new feature adds that it could...) export a single camera, ALL settings for it. Don't need the events or anything of that sort.
Exporting them in a file/files which could then be used to import them onto another zoneminder box. (same version running of course.) When I go through and configure each camera's sensitivity and or oother various configs. It would be nice to be able to export and import them around.
There might not be that much demand for such a thing, but maybe there is a chance? Its similar to the db_backup which is great.. I can't wait to use it.. but a single camera might be nice as well...
Thank you for your time, and EVERYONES effort in this lovely project.
Exporting a single camera?
Zones would be lovely. For myself, everything if possible would be best. I just deal with Remote/IP camera's... but to be able to export it all, and just import it to a new machine would be perfect.cordel wrote:Okay so now the question is what spacificly do you want exported?
Do you want zones with it?
What settings do you want?
No problem at all, I don't mean to be annoying or anything of that sort, was just seeing if I had missed over it being posted. This stuff is free, I can't complain about anything. I am (others too im sure) very grateful for all that is done around here.cordel wrote:Sorry mate, I spaced it. Seeing how I just wrapped up from three shifts at work, give me a couple days to polish it and get it posted.
Monitor/Zones import/export script.
Okay so here is a short version as the original that I started has grown into something else and will likely be a while. This will work as long as you use it with the same ZM version as it was exported from. As far as exporting a single cam with zones for that cam, I still have to work out the associations between the two that change when inserted individually. I'll get that going here shortly and post an updated script.
Meantime here is a little something to fill in:
Also downloadable from my site in the extras category.
Meantime here is a little something to fill in:
Code: Select all
# USAGE: ./zmxport-monitors
# DESCRIPTION: Tool to X port monitors and zones for ZoneMinder
# OPTIONS: -x export
# -i import
# REQUIREMENTS: mysqldump, tar, gzip, mysql
# AUTHOR: Copyright 2008 Corey DeLasaux
# VERSION: 0.2
# CREATED: 5/27/2008 21:15:00 PDT
# LICENSE: Reciprocal Public License 1.5 (RPL1.5)
ZM_CONFIG="/etc/zm.conf" # Change this to the path of your zm.conf if different
ZM_BACKUP_PATH="$HOME" # $HOME stores the file in your users home directory
if [ -f $ZM_CONFIG ]; then
echo "ERROR: $ZM_CONFIG not found."
exit 1
echo "Backing up Monitors and Zones..."
echo "Accessing Database..."
mysqldump --user=$ZM_DB_USER --password=$ZM_DB_PASS $ZM_DB_NAME Monitors Zones --add-drop-table > $sql
echo "Compressing File..."
rm -f $ZM_BACKUP_PATH/ZM_Monitors.tar.gz
tar -cvf $ZM_BACKUP_PATH/ZM_Monitors.tar $sql
gzip $ZM_BACKUP_PATH/ZM_Monitors.tar
rm -f $sql
echo "Done."
exit 0
if [ ! -f $ZM_BACKUP_PATH/ZM_Monitors.tar.gz ] ; then
echo ""
echo "ZM System Restore script"
echo "----------------------------"
echo "Check that your ZM_Monitors.tar.gz is in your users"
echo "home directory and this script will restore your configuration."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "## stopping zm"
$ZM_PATH_BIN/zmpkg.pl stop
echo "## Restoring..."
tar xvfz ZM_Monitors.tar.gz
echo "## Restoring Monitor Database"
/usr/bin/mysql --user=$ZM_DB_USER --password=$ZM_DB_PASS $ZM_DB_NAME < ZM_Monitors.sql
rm -rf ZM_Monitors.sql
echo "## Starting zm"
$ZM_PATH_BIN/zmpkg.pl start
echo "## Done."
exit 0
case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $0"
echo "-x To export monitors and zones"
echo "-i To import monitors and zones"
exit $RETVAL