1. Show the current run-state at the top of the console. For example:
ZoneMinder Console - Running - MyModeName
and the generally-irrelevant version information could be moved somewhere else and placed in very font size. End users don't care what version they are running; they want it to "Just Work".
2. I modified my zm_html_view_montagefeed.php to allow a montage image to be clicked on, revealing the monitor watch window (this is really useful if you shrink your montage thumbnails as I do, though still useful if you just want to quickly jump to the event list for a monitor) - would be great to have that fairly simple code added to a future version.
At line 69:
Code: Select all
function newWindow(Url,Name,Width,Height)
var Name = window.open(Url,Name,"resizable,width="+Width+",height="+Height);
Code: Select all
echo('<a href="javascript:newWindow(\''.$PHP_SELF.'?view=watch&mid='.$monitor['Id'].'\',\'\')">');