Hi, Zoneminder.
I think would be nice to close events at sections end in MODECT like for RECORD or MOCORD, to prevent long live events. I saw such (legal) precedents with event duration more then 7 hours. Nothing to do here with zone settings here. It is legal motion.
Managed to do this myself now.
I understand that there are other workarrounds for this case (run states for example).
Force close events for Modect
And posible solution for version 1.22.2
Code: Select all
--- bkp/zm_monitor.cpp 2007-07-13 19:53:28.000000000 +0300
+++ zm_monitor.cpp 2008-05-23 22:57:35.000000000 +0300
@@ -1254,6 +1254,7 @@
shared_data->state = state = IDLE;
delete event;
event = 0;
+ last_section_mod = 0;
@@ -1366,6 +1367,19 @@
last_section_mod = section_mod;
+ } else if ( function == MODECT && config.force_close_events && state == ALARM ) { // close l
ong live events
+ int section_mod = timestamp->tv_sec%section_length;
+ if ( section_mod <last_section_mod>Id(), event->Frames(), event->AlarmFrames() ));
+ closeEvent();
+ last_section_mod = 0;
+ shared_data->state = state = IDLE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last_section_mod = section_mod;
+ }