I am using a PV-981 (4 BT878 chips on PCI express bus) from Bluecherry.net (great service there) and ran into some problems with kernel 2.6.25. It seems that v4l1 has been removed from kernel 2.6.25 and only the v4l2 to v4l compatibility layer remains. This layer has proven buggy in many situations and this is just one of those. Some devices may still work with ZoneMinder using the compatibility layer, but bt878 cards do not. I know that v4l2 support is being added to ZM and will be released soon, but in the meantime I recommend kernel 2.6.24 and earlier.
I verified this using mplayer with v4l and v4l2 drivers. The v4l2 drivers work perfect with my card and displays a good picture with the capture card. Switching to the v4l driver causes the same uninterruptible sleep state that happened to ZoneMinder's zmc. zmc is the program that accesses the /dev/v4l/video* and grabs frames.
I picked up a Rocket Raid PCI card to run my sata drives and was able to downgrade to kernel 2.6.24. This kernel still includes the v4l (version 1) API required by Zoneminder. Now mplayer displays the same picture with v4l and v4l2 drivers. ZM works great with 2.6.24.
I am very happy to have the new hardware working with ZM. This is a Gigabyte GA-MZ790FX-DS5, AMD 9850 Quad core, 4 GB of ram, and 4 Seagate 1 TB hard drives. The load average with 3 cams on the PV-981 at 40 fps is 0.38 and 91.5% Idle. This includes running X and firefox to test the images. I plan to expand this system with more cams and think the hardware is overkill for anything less than 24 analog cams.
Here are some of the commands I used while testing.
mplayer using v4l2 driver
Code: Select all
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:noaudio:width=640:height=480:norm=ntsc:device=/dev/video0 tv://
Code: Select all
mplayer -tv driver=v4l:noaudio:width=640:height=480:norm=ntsc:device=/dev/video0 tv://
Code: Select all
ps ax -o pid,state,command