I believe I have discovered a 64-bit porting problem. But first, a bit of background:
I've been jumping through hoops trying to get ZM 1.23.3 working across browsers and platforms, accessible from behind a proxy (i.e., no Cambozola) with remote Axis cameras on 1xRTT/EVDO connections (major headache, lots of DIVIDE-BY-ZERO segfaults almost everywhere an FPS is dynamically calculated). After most layout and streaming problems were solved under Firefox and IE (the basic solution was to use Flash/swf), I was still left with a major gripe: the DVR streaming would simply not work.
Long story short, my ZM is running on SliceHost, and SliceHost apparently only provides 64-bit OS's. After much debugging, I noticed that the DVR controls would (mostly) work on my 32-bit development machine, but not on the production site. The following change improved things greatly:
Code: Select all
Index: zm_stream.h
--- zm_stream.h (revision 249)
+++ zm_stream.h (working copy)
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@
typedef struct {
- long msg_type;
+ int msg_type;
char msg_data[16];
} CmdMsg;
typedef struct {
- long msg_type;
+ int msg_type;
char msg_data[256];
} DataMsg;
It's not all fine and dandy yet, will post more as my issues are resolved.
Adolfo R. Brandes