It looks like other people have the Trendnet TV-IP301 working with zoneminder.
My ZM setup(s) is 1.22.3 and 1.23.1. Some on virtual hardware, some on physical. The host OS is ubuntu dapper LTS 6.06 with latest patches. I have several servers polling local and IP cams, both virtual and physical. The VM servers are slightly slower to respond to motion events, but fast enough to capture most things.
ANYWAY, I've been following this thread, and trying to implement a trendnet tv-ip301 cam into a ZM server.
When the camera first arrived, it had firmware 1.08 or so. I could pull up
http://camip/goform/video? ('? being 1,2,3 or whatever') in a web browser (firefox or IE) and have a live pic available anytime i hit the refresh button.
I read this forum and implemented the suggestions.
I upgraded my TN TV-IP301 to firmware 1.22
Now when I query the "
http://camip/goform/video? ('? being 1,2,3 or whatever')" in a web browser i get a dialog to save the file, but no image in my browser. I can save the file as a JPG and open it fine.
I've attempted to include the above mentioned source code in a re-compile on a functional ZM server. I failed, i think because I don't know how to add addtional source code to a build.
I would be thank ful if someone could:
1. Show an easy way to get images from a Trendnet TV-IP301 with firmware at or above 1.22 to zoneminder.
2. Show me, or send links to how to include 3rd party source code into a recompile of the application in question.
thanks in advance.
barkeep8 wrote:batnator wrote:cordel wrote:I'm not sure if it would be proper to set the incorrect mime type in ZM code.
it's only a quick and dirty fix for some setups but not for the mainstream sources of zm, I have contacted the vendors Trendnet and Sparklan for a fix in firmware, but no response yet.
Thanks. I updated the firmware on my trendnet cam to the latest one, and it's still not working. I am going to try to recompile my ZM with the patch next.
Does anyone have any helpful links or a tutorial on how to include the patched source code to re-compile? This is something I've never done before.