I looked at the code and got fast forwarding to work much like ZM 1.22.x. I haven't tested this on mpeg streaming yet.
Here is the patch:
Code: Select all
--- zm_event.cpp 2008-04-21 06:52:05.000000000 -0700
+++ zm_event.cpp 2008-08-12 22:26:50.000000000 -0700
@@ -1213,8 +1213,10 @@ void EventStream::runStream()
if ( ((curr_frame_id-1)%frame_mod) == 0 )
delta_us = (unsigned int)(frame_data->delta * 1000000);
- if ( effective_fps < base_fps )
- delta_us = (delta_us * base_fps)/effective_fps;
+ if ( replay_rate != ZM_RATE_BASE )
+ delta_us = (delta_us*ZM_RATE_BASE)/abs(replay_rate);
+ if( frame_mod > 1 )
+ delta_us *= frame_mod;
send_frame = true;
Opps, I discovered an issue if you have a low M_WEB_<H or M or L>_VIDEO_MAXFPS setting. Rewinding rewinds way to fast. I'll look into this some more when I have some time. This might not be an issue over a low bandwidth connection.
2nd edit: I fixed the problem, I edited the patch above.