ok, ZM 1.19.1, 2.6.7 Kernal.. IVC-200 Quad capture card (has 4 878 chips) and two seperate WinTV Cards..
Problem1: When starting the server, /dev/video4 and /dev/video5 show red, however, if i log onto the consol and run xawtv -device /dev/video4 the video comes up, and i close, then do the same for video5 it comes up, then zoneminder sees the video as ok. ?? any ideas? its seems like ZM is having an issue starting the deamons on those channels?
Problem2: Using ffmpeg, When i convert the jpegs to a Video/Mpeg stream the Quality is horrible (I can see blocks in the video)
Problem3: Not really a problem, but I am using the LiveCD setup, and when I setup it up, I only had a 30gig HD, however, I want to utilize the 400gig SATA raid I have, Where are the files at so i can mount the raid..
or should I just mount the raid as say /archive and setup a cron tab to convert the jpegs' to mpegs' and move to the /archive folder, then burn to disk after when user requests..
Reason? I want to capture the video for say 1 week, then move to raid, then move to dvd after a month? or something..
I figured out the web/images are in /var/httpd/ but cannot location the mySql data?
Wierd Startup Other Q's
It may be that you are getting a little aheah of zm. I notice on some systems using livecd that the browser interface is ready while zm is stlll starting and warming up. Try launching a terminal (konsole) and running "sys" (This is an alias for "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" on the livecd user account). You will be able to watch the system log messages scroll by. If this is what is happening, the solution is to simply refresh the browser after a few moments. Otherwise you will probably see some error messages in syslog.Problem1: When starting the server, /dev/video4 and /dev/video5 show red, however, if i log onto the consol and run xawtv -device /dev/video4 the video comes up, and i close, then do the same for video5 it comes up, then zoneminder sees the video as ok. ?? any ideas? its seems like ZM is having an issue starting the deamons on those channels?
/var/lib/mysql/I figured out the web/images are in /var/httpd/ but cannot location the mySql data?
Sorry I can't be any help with the SATA raid. No experience. Wish I had one

It's good to know the IVC-200 works with zm. You might post a note in the hardware compatibility forum.
Best regards