Before getting hooked on ZM a few months ago my main thing is Wireless networking.
I have set up my own network through the woods on 900 mhz and 2.4 Ghz as well as a network down the road sharing 1 connection to quite a few neighbors that have no other way to get High Speed.
A couple of the guys on the other network are using ZM as well.
We are constantly checking out each others Montage and events ,,,,,
My networking skill has developed from forums and articles and trial and error AKA experience do it learn it.
I would like to find a way too bridge the two networks just for local server access. So I can type a local address on a different subnet and save going through the internet at 7mb down 700k up and chewing up our usage witch it capped .
I can do this with an access point on may network witch will connect to the AP down the road. What I'm not sure of is the IP settings and so on , if it will work and whether or not it will lock up 1 or both networks.
Any IT pros out here able to give some pointers?
Network Master needed
Thanks for the replies !!
I will PM you later Lee.
The wifi trip has beed such a learning experience! 3 years ago I knew squat about networking. To me this networking / Linux/ ZM / and windows stuff is like the best class you never had in school.
Shooting through the woods has been an adventure for sure. 900 Mhz is not forgiving , the band is crowded with tons of interference , and the RF spectrum I'm use to dealing with is no where near the same. 2.4 Ghz is just as nasty at times.
On the RF side of wireless networking I have a clue what I'm doing . On the IT side of how this all works I have a lot to learn.
I will PM you later Lee.
The wifi trip has beed such a learning experience! 3 years ago I knew squat about networking. To me this networking / Linux/ ZM / and windows stuff is like the best class you never had in school.
Shooting through the woods has been an adventure for sure. 900 Mhz is not forgiving , the band is crowded with tons of interference , and the RF spectrum I'm use to dealing with is no where near the same. 2.4 Ghz is just as nasty at times.
On the RF side of wireless networking I have a clue what I'm doing . On the IT side of how this all works I have a lot to learn.
If you're bored and don't mind, toss a post on (oh, we're already on non-zoneminder chat). Anyway, I'm curious as to what you're using, what distances/speeds you're achieving, uptime, etc. I've got friends in similar situations, I'd like to be able to give them some ideas.
I agree you about the learning. I think that's why a lot of us like open source. And user support is so much friendlier and social than your typical outsourced-tech support guy on the phone.
I agree you about the learning. I think that's why a lot of us like open source. And user support is so much friendlier and social than your typical outsourced-tech support guy on the phone.
Sure think Mr Coke
I'm using tr-902-11 Tranzeo radios . And Tr-902-f I think is the model , ( has an N connector for using an external antenna.
I have to 902-11 ( these come with a built in 11dbi panel antenna) for site surveying/ testing.
Pros are easy install no coax or extra antennas/ same price as the N connector model.
Cons they will pick up noise and interference across the band , witch is small enough already. IE portable phones, even 5.4 ghz models/ I also have interference from a commercial radio tower . They are licensed this band isn't.
I have 1 in the field and love them for testing. If I get a signal of -90 dBm noise and -80 dBm signal strength I know if I Use 1 N model with a 13 dbi yagi I will have less noise and better signal with an SNR of 20 or better 36 to 48 mbps is achived. To sustain 54 Mbps they need a signal to noise ratio of 35 or more, sometimes less
Remember 36 mbps nets usually around 16 meg of actual throughput. witch is fine for fast cable or dsl connection.
The Best results I have had are using N connector models with Yagi antennas. I've been using models from Advanced Antenna. Google should find them.
I also found that antenna height when noise/ interference is an issue is very important. I ended up setting an AP 12 feet off the ground noise -90 to -94 dBm that same AP 20 feet higher up brought the noise up to -84 dBm Almost cutting performance in 1/2.
This AP is on a 13 dbi yagi the link is 2 Kilometers (google earth) at least a good 1/3 of the distance is heavy dense mixed forest hard and soft wood.
Same antenna on the other end in client mode 16 feet up ) same deal Higher was worse) signal -65 dBm noise -92 dBm . This guy can't even get a real private phone line. Bell set him up with a radio phone. Crappy voice sometimes useless for internet. Dial up modems don't go that slow anymore. Under 1K if it connected.
A second client 1/4 Km up the road from this fellow is using the 902-11 model 20 feet up, he has less noise ( more trees between him and noise source) his snr is 16 dBm noise -90 signal -74 linked at 36 Mbps.
I have just tested a link using the -11's I went 55 feet up a tower with the AP again awfull noise level -80 even more at peaks. The link is almost 4 Km's The client radio is 20 feet up with an snr of 18. It's running but the AP will need to be lowered to check the noise difference. ( I also have two micro wave radios 10 feet farther up the tower) they could be causing the noise. Again If I install a Yagi will go on the tower.
The radios all have POE and are a snap to add to any network , they have a built in router that can be enabled on the lan side to keep clients on a different subnet. Or At the AP I don't go this route Static over the air is much easier.
The best bet is to get two 902-11's set them up and test . They have signal leds to aid in alignment as well .
If you go for it send me a PM and we will get in steady email contact and I will offer any help I can.
I'm using tr-902-11 Tranzeo radios . And Tr-902-f I think is the model , ( has an N connector for using an external antenna.
I have to 902-11 ( these come with a built in 11dbi panel antenna) for site surveying/ testing.
Pros are easy install no coax or extra antennas/ same price as the N connector model.
Cons they will pick up noise and interference across the band , witch is small enough already. IE portable phones, even 5.4 ghz models/ I also have interference from a commercial radio tower . They are licensed this band isn't.
I have 1 in the field and love them for testing. If I get a signal of -90 dBm noise and -80 dBm signal strength I know if I Use 1 N model with a 13 dbi yagi I will have less noise and better signal with an SNR of 20 or better 36 to 48 mbps is achived. To sustain 54 Mbps they need a signal to noise ratio of 35 or more, sometimes less
Remember 36 mbps nets usually around 16 meg of actual throughput. witch is fine for fast cable or dsl connection.
The Best results I have had are using N connector models with Yagi antennas. I've been using models from Advanced Antenna. Google should find them.
I also found that antenna height when noise/ interference is an issue is very important. I ended up setting an AP 12 feet off the ground noise -90 to -94 dBm that same AP 20 feet higher up brought the noise up to -84 dBm Almost cutting performance in 1/2.
This AP is on a 13 dbi yagi the link is 2 Kilometers (google earth) at least a good 1/3 of the distance is heavy dense mixed forest hard and soft wood.
Same antenna on the other end in client mode 16 feet up ) same deal Higher was worse) signal -65 dBm noise -92 dBm . This guy can't even get a real private phone line. Bell set him up with a radio phone. Crappy voice sometimes useless for internet. Dial up modems don't go that slow anymore. Under 1K if it connected.
A second client 1/4 Km up the road from this fellow is using the 902-11 model 20 feet up, he has less noise ( more trees between him and noise source) his snr is 16 dBm noise -90 signal -74 linked at 36 Mbps.
I have just tested a link using the -11's I went 55 feet up a tower with the AP again awfull noise level -80 even more at peaks. The link is almost 4 Km's The client radio is 20 feet up with an snr of 18. It's running but the AP will need to be lowered to check the noise difference. ( I also have two micro wave radios 10 feet farther up the tower) they could be causing the noise. Again If I install a Yagi will go on the tower.
The radios all have POE and are a snap to add to any network , they have a built in router that can be enabled on the lan side to keep clients on a different subnet. Or At the AP I don't go this route Static over the air is much easier.
The best bet is to get two 902-11's set them up and test . They have signal leds to aid in alignment as well .
If you go for it send me a PM and we will get in steady email contact and I will offer any help I can.
Over water is nice , Clear line of sight .
I have yet to try Engenious radios . Have tried d-link had nothing but grief with 3 models. Found out why they have a reset button!!
Edimax has worked out well in ptp mode.
And Linksys has worked with out adding antennas for a few hundred feet.
I stopped messing with indoor equipment and coax /pigtails / antennas for outdoor links.
I found the cost was the same as using equipment with poe made for outdoors.
I found a brand called Deliberant HAven't tried them But the sale price is enticing 200 for a 900 Mhz N model. Now that's really getting close to 1/2 What I last paid for a 900 Mhz radio.
I have yet to try Engenious radios . Have tried d-link had nothing but grief with 3 models. Found out why they have a reset button!!
Edimax has worked out well in ptp mode.
And Linksys has worked with out adding antennas for a few hundred feet.
I stopped messing with indoor equipment and coax /pigtails / antennas for outdoor links.
I found the cost was the same as using equipment with poe made for outdoors.
I found a brand called Deliberant HAven't tried them But the sale price is enticing 200 for a 900 Mhz N model. Now that's really getting close to 1/2 What I last paid for a 900 Mhz radio.