I worked soo much, but now everything is working well, this is a post for newbies but also for anyone like this beautiful and strong program!!!
ZONEMINDER installation procedure
Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 32bit
Kernel 2.6.24-16
8Ch 240fps video pci board
zoneminder 1.23.3
1. Get the new packet type in a terminal
wget ftp://www.northern-ridge.com.au/zonemin ... 2_i386.deb
wget ftp://www.northern-ridge.com.au/zonemin ... -1_all.deb
2. Installation
sudo dpkg -i zoneminder_1.23.3-2_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i libphp-serialization-perl_0.27-1_all.deb
3. ------------ Specific step for kodicom clone 8CH 240fps video pci cards ----------
cd /etc/modprobe.d
make a file with or put the lines below in the file options by tipying in a terminal
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options
options i2c_algo_bit bit_test=1
options bttv gbuffers=16 radio=-1 tuner=4 card=102,102,102,102,102,102,102,102
Remember if you don' t see zone minder in the browser http://localhost/zm
4. make this link
cd /etc/apache2/conf.d
ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf zm.conf
5. edit this file:
and put this lines inside:
kernel.shmall = 134217728
kernel.shmmax = 134217728
6. If you don' t see any image, istead only a black screen type in a teminal:
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/zmfix
sudo zmfix -a
(this fix permission problem of zm to video devices )
7. Do a reboot
8. In web configuration of zoneminder
put in the section monitor>source the right height weight
weight (pixels) 320
height (pixels) 240
1. scaricare questi pacchetti da terminale
wget ftp://www.northern-ridge.com.au/zonemin ... 2_i386.deb
wget ftp://www.northern-ridge.com.au/zonemin ... -1_all.deb
2. Istallarli
sudo dpkg -i zoneminder_1.23.3-2_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i libphp-serialization-perl_0.27-1_all.deb
3. ------------ Passo specifico per le schede clone kodicon 8CH 240fps ---------------
cd /etc/modprobe.d
fare un file di testo con nome qualsiasi oppure inserirle nel file options con gedit da root e metterci dentro
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options
options i2c_algo_bit bit_test=1
options bttv gbuffers=16 radio=-1 tuner=4 card=102,102,102,102,102,102,102,102
Ricorda se non si vede zoneminder nel browser http://localhost/zm
4. fare questo link
cd /etc/apache2/conf.d
ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf zm.conf
5. editare questo file:
e inserire le seguenti linee :
kernel.shmall = 134217728
kernel.shmmax = 134217728
6. Se non si vede solo uno scermo nero digitare da terminale:
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/zmfix
sudo zmfix -a
( questo risolve i permessi di zoneminder sui device video )
7. fare un reboot
8. nella configurazione web di zoneminder
mettere nella sezione monitor>sorgente i seguenti valori
larghezza (pixels) 320
altezza (pixels) 240
ubuntu 8.04 - zoneminder 1.23.3 - kernel 2.6.24-16 8ch GUIDE
ubuntu 8.04 - zoneminder 1.23.3 - kernel 2.6.24-16 8ch GUIDE
Last edited by recidivo on Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Some notes.
The lib-serilazation on Peters site is a Hardy version. You only need it for Gutsy.
Your options are for a Kodacom 8 port clone. They will not work for all cards.
You can set "zmfix" guid and not have to manually set the permissions on the video. Otherwise you will have to do it each reboot.
The lib-serilazation on Peters site is a Hardy version. You only need it for Gutsy.
Your options are for a Kodacom 8 port clone. They will not work for all cards.
You can set "zmfix" guid and not have to manually set the permissions on the video. Otherwise you will have to do it each reboot.
you right,mine is a kodicom clone card thanksLee Sharp wrote:Some notes.
The lib-serilazation on Peters site is a Hardy version. You only need it for Gutsy.
Your options are for a Kodacom 8 port clone. They will not work for all cards.
You can set "zmfix" guid and not have to manually set the permissions on the video. Otherwise you will have to do it each reboot.