here are the cameras i'm looking at what do yall think
(i know most hate the ones with IR built in but over look that for now)
I'm trying to get a system up and i may upgrade cameras later but all i really need is some piece of mind around my barn. to see is whether a car pulls up and what kind or a kid on a four wheeler or such
first is a cheap astak from walmart ... id=8668494
The second is a sony from newegg ... 6881381008
compare this one seperatly but is it worth the extra (its twice the price) ... 6881381009
There will be a light source on the side of the barn as a security light so i really don't need the IR but
and lastly what is the difference in 1 lux and .1 lux
camera choices
I would go for this one: ... id=8668494
IR is never bad, it may help on lower light conditions. We had a similar version with wireless, but that was useless (the wireless part). Also PAL will always be better because you can use a higher resolution. ... id=8668494
IR is never bad, it may help on lower light conditions. We had a similar version with wireless, but that was useless (the wireless part). Also PAL will always be better because you can use a higher resolution.