audio from rtsp stream

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audio from rtsp stream

Post by jan »

hi guys, quick question:

will it be easier to add audio to zoneminder, since its part of the rtsp stream?
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Post by cordel »

It don't really change the logistics of it.
It not hard to get the audio, the challenge comes from being able to organize it so the it's in time with the associated cameras and the ability to play them back in sync.
Also I have found that it's not as easy as I thought to breakup the sound card channels so that left and right are each inputs. I'm sure I'm missing something but till that void of knowledge gets filled it don't make since to me :?
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Post by jan »

yeah i can see the sync issue would be difficult...especially since different connection speeds play back mjpeg motion at different rates...

any plans on storing the actual mpeg video coming through the rtsp stream?

adding a script to save a streaming mpeg (triggered by zm's motion detection) shouldn't be too difficult (not sure how to break the connection when motion stops =)...but it would eat up a bit of storage unless the whole jpg-sequence-storing mechanism gets revamped...
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Post by cordel »

Mpeg is a lossy codec comes no where near jpeg quality. I don't see us going backward just to have audio in sync. Specially for those that need and want jpeg quality. There are other projects that do mpeg.

For some that use ZM in a scientific setting, mpeg uses motion estimation, which means that the image is a approximation which is not usable for those purposes.
The other issue is allot of the cool features that everyone seems to like (images in the list with the highest motion, highlighting of motion areas, etc...), depend on the separate jpeg images that we would not be able to do with it in a mpeg container and we would likely have to take those features away.