Firefox 3.0.5, Ubuntu 8.0.4, monitoring axis camera - freeze

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Firefox 3.0.5, Ubuntu 8.0.4, monitoring axis camera - freeze

Post by coke »

One of my cameras runs through a machine that serves two purposes, one being routing (adding another nic was easier than dropping in another hub), the other being to monitor the camera constantly.

Occasionally, it locks up on the viewing portion. It always continues routing, but at some point it stops getting new images from the Axis 221. Restarting firefox solves the problem, but I've got firefox in kiosk mode, and would rather not give the person viewing it access to do so. Any suggestions on something I could run in the background, or schedule to run occasionally to see if it's actually streaming in firefox?

I'd like to let the computer monitor it and restart firefox, instead of someone calling me on a friday night and telling me that it's stuck.


Posts: 518
Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Post by coke »

Plan B seems to be working so far, I've got VLC setup to run in full screen mode displaying the stream, hopefully it won't have similar problems. And I should probably superglue the right mouse button so they can't use it.
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