I've set up a filter to delete the latest event from a particular camera when my disk usage hits 95%. It seems that the audit job only runs every 900 seconds. This means that although I have deleted an event, my disk usage may remain at 95% for up to 15 minutes. In the meantime, the filter may flag yet another event for delettion since the disk usage is still at 95%. Am I not losing events unnecessarily?
I've tried unchecking the fast delete option but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
filters and audit
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You can reduce the zmaudit delay. It is passed into zmaudit from zmpkg.pl and can be anything, though I would not recommend making it too small.
I doubt you are losing too many events unnecessarily though, you will probably permanently have only a couple deleted ahead of time and they would generally have been the next ones to go anyway.
You can reduce the zmaudit delay. It is passed into zmaudit from zmpkg.pl and can be anything, though I would not recommend making it too small.
I doubt you are losing too many events unnecessarily though, you will probably permanently have only a couple deleted ahead of time and they would generally have been the next ones to go anyway.
Thanks Phil. I misunderstood the fast delete option. I thought the "slow" delete would delete the events from the actual events directory. I now see it just does a complete delete from all the tables in the db. I know, I know, RTFM. But sometimes you read and just don't see it.
thanks for the replay
thanks for the replay