I think the problem Iam having is with the source tab; where I input usrnm and psswd. An example would be nice, but any tips or suggestions would be to. ( I have looked through the forums for 4+ hours to no avail.
I think I read somewhere that someone had to increase some shared memory or something like that, but should be irrelevant because I installed live-DVD.
Ohh this shouldn't matter but the camera is outside of my network. I can open it in firefox.
Last edited by treesloth on Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
treesloth wrote:I think the problem Iam having is with the source tab; where I input usrnm and psswd. An example would be nice, but any tips or suggestions would be to. ( I have looked through the forums for 4+ hours to no avail.
Username:pasword@host is fine. Thats exactly how it should be entered for a cam that does Basic HTTP AUTH.
treesloth wrote:
Might want to fix the typo in your size settings, what you request from the cam must match the size settings in ZM. In other words requesting an image size of 704x480 from the cam in the host path and setting ZM to expect a 740x480 image is going to fall flat on its face every time. They must be the same.
treesloth wrote:
I think I read somewhere that someone had to increase some shared memory or something like that, but should be irrelevant because I installed live-DVD.
Ohh this shouldn't matter but the camera is outside of my network. I can open it in firefox.
ZM still needs memory for the ring buffer so it still needs memory regardless of where or how you run it. So it still applies no matter what.
Have you tried lower resolution? When Chuck D has his test server up people where hooking up Axis cam's and they were working from the DVD I put out. I should have taken screen shots of the settings, but I know they worked. What model of Axis? Put your server on a public ip and send it to me. I'll play around with it if you want.
You might have to increase the shared memory limit. The DVD I put out has all stock settings on the shared memory side and is not using the new mapped memory option. I didn't have to much luck using that yet. The following entries via ssh or putty on my test DVD machine with 2 gb of ram resulted in my Orbit AF talking with Zoneminder at a comforable resolution of 640x480. I hope to have a new feature in my dvd with an option on the control panel that will make it easy for any user to change these settings on the fly.
thank you, I input the command, but also there was 0 instead of o, in the username. I know for sure that was it, becuase the documentation is says 268424446 of shared memory is enough to handle 1280x1024 mega-pixel axis cams.
I can see the video, but I am missing the ptz options, I've tried to enable it a couple times already. What can I do to get it properly configured. it is an axis 233d dome camera. I'll browse for an answer, but maybe someone knows already
Last edited by treesloth on Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm pretty sure it was the shared memory settings. I couldn't get more then 320x240 out of my Orbit until I did those commands. The zero in the username mistake probably added to it
The PTZ functions I'm sure will work also, just make sure you download the fix I put out for the DVD, otherwise you really won't be able to edit the settings. I managed to dork up the file while moving stuff around.
If you had luck with the DVD and have either postive or negative feedback just let me know. I'd like to improve and offer new features to make it easier for anyone to run Zoneminder.
I would strongly suggest using ZM 1.24.0 with mapped memory rather than shared memory. It is much more flexible really and takes less setting up.
From the help for ZM_PATH_MAP
ZoneMinder has historuically used IPC shared memory for shared data between processes. This has it's advantages and limitations. This version of ZoneMinder can use an alternate method, mapped memory, instead with can be enabled with the --enable--map directive to configure. This requires less system configuration and is generally more flexible. However it requires each shared data segment to map onto a filesystem file. This option indicates where those mapped files go. You should ensure that this location has sufficient space for these files and for the best performance it should be a tmpfs file system or ramdisk otherwise disk access may render this method slower than the regular shared memory one.
By default the path used will be /dev/shm, if you type 'df' you should see this is a tmpfs filesystem.
I did a version with mapped memory on and one without. I found the one with it turned on would only display a black image on 640x480, but the other build with a tweaked shared memory setting would display the image no problem. Do both require some tweaking, or are you saying the new mapped memory option should work? Once it's compiled in there is no going back right, no option to turn it of I should say?
I was going to create an interface on my control panel that would allow people to easily select differnet shared memory options, but if you think mapped is better I'll try it again.
You will need to make sure that the mapped memory location (/dev/shm by default) both exists, is a tmpfs filesystem (or ramdrive) and is large enough to handle the number of cams x size of image x number of frames (as with shared memory).
The advantage over shared memory is that you only have to assign a total size and not segment size and you don't get segments left lying around that you have to fiddle around with ipc tools to delete. You can also create your own tmpfs filesystem where you like and configure it to the size you want so it is completely separate from other system elements.