Have recently experienced a break in and no one in the area remotely acted upon the alarm bells. Maybe because our area is soooooooo quite and during the period it took place most of the neighbour hood may have at work and what have ya.
Lucky for my sake and family sake they did not clear out the house. Just a lot of damage to the belongings. Very odd they did not take anything or very little in that matter.
I am in the process updgraded the alarm system – one that does not cost very much – but in fact sends a text when a movement is detected.
On the other hand I also thought it would be a good idea to install some cctv external and internal as I have two spare IR CCTV cams which I could possible unitilize in the set up-
Below is a list of what I have and what I have learnt that will be required to build my own cctv operation; learnt from a few threads from here and other internet locations!
7. PCi DVR Card
-The DVR means you can record without PC being onThe DVR means you can record without PC being on
-Can be utilized with current computer set up and also allow monitoring offsite over the web?
8. I already have 2 spare ; external Cams ( AVC – 667L /colour & IR ) ; from my business premises that wernt being used so I want to use these.
9. Possibly 2 internal Wireless Cam – preferably with POE’s
10. 1 external PIR floodlight to give light.
11. Software (Opensource ? that would allow live monitoring from a diff location)
12. BNC cables – Still need to measure the lengths that will be required ?
My main question is what component would be best suited and how the connections would be made between the computer and the CCTV ( be it wired or wireless) as I plan to run both. Also to record footage when ever there is movement or is that with software?
I plan to use zone minder .. so would be greatful if someone could put hardware forward that is compatible with this?
I guess zone minder would recongise any PCI DVR card in a PC. but which make/type would be recommended as I intend to use wireless and wired cams.
So overall my question is what would the recommend DVR card be ? including other components such as wireless cctv ( their connections and further components to feed video so I can record.)…..
Thanks for your Help