ZMArch 1.24.1 mysql.sock error

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ZMArch 1.24.1 mysql.sock error

Post by mmi »

after i finish install when i try to start zm console
i got this error:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
any help?
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Post by rdmelin »

Would you post the output of 'df'

Just a guess but I suspect no room on /
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Same Error for me also

Post by treesloth »

using zmarch after bew install of latest zmlive

output of df list my mount points and thats all
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Post by rdmelin »

OK first try "sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld restart"

If that doesn't work edit /etc/rc.d/mysqld and remove "--datadir=$MYSQLD_ROOT " from line 37

Finally you can start mysql manaully with
"sudo /usr/bin/mysqld_safe" if all else fails.

I think that doing this once may resolve tha problem for subsequent reboots. Please report your experience in this regard. Thanks.

I'm looking into why this problem appears on some installations but not all.
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I appreciate ya

Post by treesloth »

I had tried the restart and that failed. After removing that line, tried another restart to no avial. Then moved on to safe mode, I thought it had failed also, but eventualy found out that safemode did make sql start

Off topic: If I set up my cams and walk a-way for month will my livecd install already know to rewrite from the oldest date, and if not can someone me point to or post how-to set that option
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Post by rdmelin »

If I set up my cams and walk a-way for month will my livecd install already know to rewrite from the oldest date, and if not can someone me point to or post how-to set that option
If you're asking if the system will delete the oldest files to make room for new, then yes, if you installed from the latest CD (ZMLarch_1.24.1-3.iso)

Search the forum for PurgeWhenFull.

If that's not what you are asking then please clarify your question.
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Post by treesloth »

Yes sir it sure was what I was looking for, and I had came across it before but forgot how to say it, So thank you.

So here's another one if you don't mind? I am trying to move my events folder to another partition. I created a symlink from a newly created folder on another partition and created the link, checked and, it wasn't archiving, so I switched it back. I even told zm to save to a new path called saved and created the folder and symlink, but the archives read null. How can I save the events on another partition?
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Post by rdmelin »

I created a symlink from a newly created folder on another partition and created the link, checked and, it wasn't archiving, so I switched it back. I even told zm to save to a new path called saved and created the folder and symlink, but the archives read null. How can I save the events on another partition?
This should work. FollowSymLinks is set in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-zm.conf.

Double check your permissions and mount options on the other partition. Also check the system log for errors when and event is created.

If your other partition is dedicated to storing zoneminder events you could simply mount it on /var/lib/zm/www/events/
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Post by treesloth »

I have tried every single tip I have came across for getting the symlink to work. I still can't get it , and every time I think I did the right thing it kills the ZMconsole from even running. Please what is going on?
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Post by cordel »

It's really simple to move the events and everyone seems to way over think it.
Setup your new drive, in this case lets say i mount it as /storage and that I want the events in an events directory under zm (/storage/zm/events)

mkdir /storage/zm
/etc/init.d/zm stop

mv /var/www/html/events /storage/zm
ln -s /storage/zm/events /var/www/html/events

Check your permissions and make sure you can see thumbnails and play recorded events from the console. IF EVERYTHING WORKS you can then start ZoneMinder.

If you changed any thing or done anything else other than chmod files then you should not have.
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little help

Post by mmi »

rdmelin, can you tell me please in arch linux, which would be equivalent to the following commands:
sudo install -m 744 dial /etc/init.d &&
sudo ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial &&
sudo ln -sf ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
I realized this connection in ZMLarch up here, but here ...
someone told me that the connection has gone done in this way with the dial file in: /etc/rc.d/

ps ZMLarch_1.24.1-4 resolved my problem with mysql
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Post by rdmelin »

It looks like you are trying to configure a dialup connection.
sudo install -m 744 dial /etc/init.d &&
sudo ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial &&
These commands are part of the System V init used on many distros.
Arch uses a much simpler BSD style init system. Entries are added to /etc/rc.conf, the line that looks like this:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng @mysqld network acpid hal @openntpd @alsa @smartd !sshd @cron !cups @httpd @zm)
So you might add "ppp" to this list.

Here is a good getting started guide for Arch

The modem section suggest wvdial for a easy to use connection utility. You can use the "Shaman" package manager or the command "pacman -Sy wvdial" to install it.

Sorry I can't be more specific but I haven't used a modem connection for quite a while. If you would like to contribute something useful you could write up your experience with dialup in the wiki :)
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Post by mmi »
this i try to do

i have zm1.23 from one year, and works well, but in ZMLarch i'cant start
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