Camera not showing image...

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Camera not showing image...

Post by lwsiv »

I am running ZM 1.24.1 via the LiveCD (ZMLarch) in a VMWare virtual machine installation. I have a Creative Optia web cam I am using as a camera to test this installation and get things working. I have run xawtv and have images from the web cam working fine. The cam is on /dev/video0. When I set up a monitor on this, and then click on the "name" in the console, I get a black image (nothing). And it does not seem to change. Is there some other setting I am missing with this?
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Any help?

Post by lwsiv »

Tons have people viewed this, does no one have any suggestions? Do I need to dump my settings or something else into this to get some help? Do web cams even work with Zone Minder?
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Post by the_crowbar »

You might want to try different setting for the monitor. I am not familiar with your camera, but try the different settings on the "source" tab for the monitor. I had to try several things before I found that worked for Video for Linux 2.

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What type...

Post by lwsiv »

...of settings are you talking about?
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Post by newvisionantenna »


There is so many variables with your setup. Is VMware allowing the cd install to access the usb device? Does ZMLarch support your camera and have the needed driver? Are you selecting V4L or V4L2? What resolution are you running? The question's could go on and on. I have helped numerous people using my DVD to get webcam's working. I would offer to log in and get your's working but I have never used Arch Linux. I spent 5 minutes last night and had someone's Creative cam pd1110 or something like that working.

Just a couple suggestions, start out using 320x240. Run dmesg or lsusb and find out if a driver is loading your device. If it's V4L one that's loading try RGB24 and Auto with 320x240. Maybe someone else will have some more helpful suggestions.
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Post by lwsiv » response to the previous posts questions...

The camera is working fine in the running VMWare ZMLarch image. I can use xawtv to bring up the camera and view it. The image is fine. When I try to provision ZM to have a monitor on the camera, it seems to let me. When I open up the Camera in ZM, though, no image appears. None.

I have run lsusb, lsmod, all of that and like I said, in the image the camera is working. For some reason I can't get ZM to work with it. Is there some setting I need to set to make it work?
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Post by newvisionantenna »

Sorry, wasn't sure if you meant the camera was working inside the template or on the actual host. If you can get it working inside the cd install then it probably comes down to how your setting it up in the zm control panel. We could go back and forth all day with differnet suggestions on what to try and how to set it. You can try and run zmu, see what it tells you the camera is capable of.

Worse case if you can't get ti working, open up the server to the internet and send me a pm. I don't mind helping.
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I can't...

Post by lwsiv »

...seem to find "zmu". I read that in the tutorial and tried to run it, but it won't find it. Did a find / zmu* and it did not find it either. What directory is it in in the live cd install?
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Post by rdmelin »

What directory is it in in the live cd install?

A little time with google tells me your webcam is uses the uvc driver. The output of 'dmesg' or 'lsmod' may confirm this.

Info on using a uvc camera wirh zoneminder is here:

mjpg_streamer is installed on ZMLarch (at least latest releases)
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