In last topic [1] i posted about a delay on zm stream, this problem was solved, but when a camera have too much events load increase and all on machine is slow.
My sugestion to zm is to not store jpeg image file, because need to open a close too much files, and the queue to write data turn machine slow.
If no jpeg stored image (for example ffmepg videos)??
I go back to remember, that a windows solution os same hardware and same capture card, it's ok and no load.
What other solutions are possible for this??
Speed up zm with no jpeg store image
A majority of all ZMs features depend on it being jpeg files so it's not likely to change. The timeline, blob highlighting, thumbnails of the most active event... any feature where you see an image that is not from the beginning of the event etc, would be lost. ZM also does allot more than most any M$ based version.