johngc wrote:
The only reccurent message in my syslog is:
'zmc -d /dev/video0' crashed, signal 6
but i have not got to he bottom of what that means!
From the zoneminder documentation on
ZoneMinder is not a single monolithic application but is formed from several components. These components primarily include executable compiled binaries which do the main video processing work, perl scripts which usually perform helper and/or external interface tasks and php web scripts which are used for the web interface.
A brief description of each of the principle components follows.
This is the ZoneMinder Capture daemon. This binary's job is to sit on a video device and suck frames off it as fast as possible, this should run at more or less constant speed. "
As you see, zmc is a heart component, so if I understand you right from your first post, when you mention you could only get very poor resolution, i suggest that you use that poor resolution temporarily and then come back to the greater problem that you have that is zmc failing; believe me, you have to fix that first in order to mess around with other things;
You could go to options > debug, enable extra debugs and set them at least to level 4, and the observe if you get something useful to fix the zmc problem;
can you also tell how much memory you got on your system and tell me how much you have left on your hd for the swap partition ?
please also attach your syslog so that i can see if there is any permission problem on dev/video0;
good luck !