Real frame time different from database timestamp

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Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 4:34 pm

Real frame time different from database timestamp

Post by melizarraga »

Hello Alll,

I am experimenting the following problem:

There is a difference between the real time of the frame and the timestamp recorded for the frame in the database.

Zoneminder tags the image with the timestamp. And the camera also tags it also with the realtime in wich each frame is taken. Once I restart de zoneminder service the times are synchronized, but as time passes a difference of times starts to accumulate. It will be many minutes in a couple of hours and is increasing until service is restarted.

This makes impossible to actually try to match a particular real time event with the date that is on the database.

I read about a bug like this on version 0.9 making note that the time beeing written was the time in which the event was recorded on the database whichi was diferent from time where actual frame was taken. But the post said that it was corrected on that version.

I have the following setup

10 Axis 207w 3fps connected to a wireless cisco/linksys wireless router.
Dual QuadCode Server with 1 500gb sata and a raid 5 5x500gb sata Intell5000vs motherboard. Gigabyte ethernet connected to the wireless router router.
Centos 5.1 2.6.18-53.el5PAE
Mysql 5
Zoneminder 1.24

Thanks in advance to all those who can help.