You could have a filter automatically generate movies of events. But as far as I know, you can't get rid of the jpegs, because will delete the event (and maybe it's video file?) from the database when it notices they're missing.
Is there a specific reason you'd like less files? If you have a use for the video files but not jpegs, I can understand. If you're just worried about there being many files, reiserfs at least doesn't seem to have many issues about many small files. Deep Storage makes deletion much faster too.
yes click Filter at the bottom and select the check box Creat video and a make a query that pulls up every event.
limit it to 5-20 so it dosent convert all of them at once.
also zoneminder is smart enof to relise when it alredy created the video so dont worry about that
coke wrote:Is there a specific reason you'd like less files? If you have a use for the video files but not jpegs, I can understand. If you're just worried about there being many files, reiserfs at least doesn't seem to have many issues about many small files. Deep Storage makes deletion much faster too.
How about disk space? A million jpg files and 5-10gb per day is excessive. I'm still adjusting settings to get this number down (started at 20gb/day).
Is there another option to drop the cpu load down? if i record a event the load of one stream on apache is 45%. Is it possible to record with 16 camara's on the same time with apache.