does ZM support fifo storage?

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does ZM support fifo storage?

Post by mind-switch »


I am looking for a surveylance solution for a coin-mashine-shop.
Being a linux-user for a little while, i was happy finding a linux-project for just this purpose.
In order to record and store the video-material locally, older data needs to be removed automatically, to make space for new data due to new events. By this, the database should not become bigger than a specified size, e.g. 120Gb.
Looking through the english documentation I could not find any description of such a feature.
Is this supported at all?

Greeting from Hamburg, Germany...

...and excuses 4 a non-native-english

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Post by rdmelin »

Hello and welcome to the ZoneMinder community,

The requirement you describe is served by the PurgeWhenFull filter. It can be set to delete old events when the disk usage reaches whatever percentage you choose. It will not delete any events you mark as "archived".

Best regards,
