Upgraded from 1.23 to 1.24. Feeling pain. Help with changes?

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Upgraded from 1.23 to 1.24. Feeling pain. Help with changes?

Post by cybergamer »

Hello. I've used ZM 1.23 for almost a year without issue. I decided, however, to give 1.24 a shot on one of the machines. I've taken an image of the drive so i can go back if need be, but i'm really curious to resolve my dissatisfactions with the new version before giving up so easily.

Here are my issues. Feel free to contribute to one or more of them if you know what is going on.

1. When viewing events by day or hour on a specific camera, clicking next event goes to a different camera....rather than going to the next event on the same camera. 1.23 did this right. 1.24 hops cameras no matter if you just wanted events for one camera.

2. Clicking a still image no longer removes the red motion profile from the images. 1.23 did this.

3. The setting to get event views to default to stills rather than the goofy streamed DVR doesn't work. in 1.23 setting streams to be disabled in live also disabled them in previous events. I want things to default like i had them before; Click an event, get a screen of stills to review at a glance. I don't have time to sit there and watch the events all the way through. I could review at lightning pace this way.

4. I'm not sure if java is being used to pull up stills or what, but when I click the stills button to manually provoke the view i like the stills take a few seconds to populate compared to less than a second under 1.23.

Hopefully someone has insight to each of my issues. I really love zoneminder and truly don't want to believe that 1.24 sucks...but man things were nice and straightforward in 1.23.

Input is sincerely appreciated!


Two ZM servers, 17 cameras on a WDS/Mesh over a half mile area
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Post by PatMcLJr »

I feel your pain.
I put up a ubuntu 9.04 box with ZM 1.24.2 and it's not as stable as my old Centos 5 / ZM 1.23.x box I am thinking when I get time I might go back to that set-up, it just worked.

Maybe there is a bug fix in the works?

Good Luck,
Pat Jr.
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Post by cybergamer »

I've fallen back to 1.23.x. Hopefully this thread gets some attention to the fact that this needs to be an option. The new DVR stuff is fun to play with, but it just doesn't operate as quickly and reliably for users with large systems.

I love zoneminder and greatly appreciate the efforts of the developers, I just want it to continue to improve. 1.24 was a step backwards in many ways, unfortunately.
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Post by mrd »

I'm having similar issues. I hope these are known bugs and on their way to being fixed.
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Post by cybergamer »

Any official word on this?
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Post by bristoldave »

I am unfortunately going to have to add a post to this as well - since an upgrade to 1.24.2 the speed of streaming video and loading frames is a real issue - was fine under 1.23.x - am I right in guessing Java is the culprit here (as is so often the case?)
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Post by zoneminder »

There should be no reason why these things would be different in 1.24.x if I understand what you are describing. There is no Java in ZM, though there is some JavaScript in the web interface.
I will look at the other points raised in this thread also.
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Post by cybergamer »

Thanks for looking into things. I run a neighborhood CCTV system now with over 20 cameras running 24/7. I'm loving zoneminder 1.23....but 1.24 had too many interface chances that made quick and simple usage a bit too difficult.

Thanks for an amazing program. Here's to hoping for some flexibility on the interface to go with the further development.
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Post by mastertheknife »

Regarding problem #1, I can't reproduce it. I'm using ZM 1.24.2 with multiple cameras, using next or previous event buttons takes me to next or previous event for the same camera. Looking at the source code, it seems event.js is sending CMD_NEXT or CMD_PREV commands to zms, and zms queries an event from same monitor. Make sure you are using zms from 1.24.2.

Regarding problem #2, didn't test yet.

Regarding problem #4, i can confirm this too, i experience the same, i will try looking into it.

Regarding problem #3, You are right, it defaults to stream mode regarding to the setting, the setting is completely ignored.

Below is my attempt with bug #3, but it seems java doesn't want to initialize the elements, maybe some java guru can help out.

Code: Select all

--- event.php.org	2009-05-08 16:08:32.000000000 +0300
+++ event.php	2010-01-30 02:25:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -50,10 +50,15 @@
     'gapless' => $SLANG['ReplayGapless'],
+// A fix for ZM_WEB_USE_STREAMS option
 if ( isset( $_REQUEST['streamMode'] ) )
     $streamMode = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['streamMode']);
-    $streamMode = canStream()?'stream':'stills';
+else {
+		$streamMode = canStream()?'stream':'stills';
+	else
+		$streamMode = 'stills';
 if ( isset( $_REQUEST['replayMode'] ) )
     $replayMode = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['replayMode']);
@@ -120,7 +125,7 @@
         <div id="framesEvent"><a href="#" onclick="showEventFrames()"><?= $SLANG['Frames'] ?></a></div>
         <div id="streamEvent"<?php if ( $streamMode == 'stream' ) { ?> class="hidden"<?php } ?>><a href="#" onclick="showStream()"><?= $SLANG['Stream'] ?></a></div>
-        <div id="stillsEvent"<?php if ( $streamMode == 'still' ) { ?> class="hidden"<?php } ?>><a href="#" onclick="showStills()"><?= $SLANG['Stills'] ?></a></div>
+        <div id="stillsEvent"<?php if ( $streamMode == 'stills' ) { ?> class="hidden"<?php } ?>><a href="#" onclick="showStills()"><?= $SLANG['Stills'] ?></a></div>
@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@
-      <div id="eventStream">
+      <div id="eventStream"<?php if ( $streamMode == 'stills' ) { ?> class="hidden"<?php } ?>>
         <div id="imageFeed">
@@ -180,7 +185,7 @@
-      <div id="eventStills" class="hidden">
+      <div id="eventStills"<?php if ( $streamMode == 'stream' ) { ?> class="hidden"<?php } ?>>
         <div id="eventThumbsPanel">
           <div id="eventThumbs">

Code: Select all

--- event.js.php.org	2010-01-30 15:18:25.000000000 +0200
+++ event.js.php	2010-01-30 15:20:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 var streamTimeout = <?= 1000*ZM_WEB_REFRESH_STATUS ?>;
 var canStreamNative = <?= canStreamNative()?'true':'false' ?>;
+var streamMode = '<?= $streamMode ?>';
 // Strings

Code: Select all

--- event.js.org	2009-05-25 21:04:00.000000000 +0300
+++ event.js	2010-01-30 10:03:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -762,13 +762,29 @@
     streamCmdTimer = streamQuery.delay( 250 );
     eventQuery.pass( event.Id ).delay( 500 );
-    if ( canStreamNative )
-    {
-        var streamImg = $('imageFeed').getElement('img');
-        if ( !streamImg )
-            streamImg = $('imageFeed').getElement('object');
-        $(streamImg).addEvent( 'click', handleClick.bindWithEvent( $(streamImg) ) );
-    }
+	if (streamMode == 'stream' && canStreamNative )
+	{
+		var streamImg = $('imageFeed').getElement('img');
+		if ( !streamImg )
+			streamImg = $('imageFeed').getElement('object');
+		$(streamImg).addEvent( 'click', handleClick.bindWithEvent( $(streamImg) ) );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+    	if ( !scroll )
+    	{
+        	scroll = new Fx.Scroll( 'eventThumbs', {
+            	wait: false,
+            	duration: 500,
+            	offset: { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 },
+            	transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut
+            	}
+        	);
+    	}
+    	resetEventStills();
+    	$(window).addEvent( 'resize', updateStillsSizes );
+	}
 // Kick everything off