ZM does not alarm

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ZM does not alarm

Post by broken »

I don't really know what I'm doing... :-) Basiclly here are my settings... Cam works... Streams etc... I can't get it to activate when motion is detected and alarm.

Logitech Quickcam Express

Here are my zone settings:
Name XXX
Type Active
Units Pixels
Minimum X (left) 0
Minimum Y (top) 0
Maximum X (right) 351
Maximum Y (bottom) 287
Alarm Colour (RGB) R:255 G:0 B:0
Alarm Threshold (0>=?<=255) 1
Minimum Alarmed Area 1014
Maximum Alarmed Area 101376
Filter Width (pixels) 10
Filter Height (pixels) 10
Minimum Filtered Area 1014
Maximum Filtered Area 101376
Minimum Blob Area 1014
Maximum Blob Area 65535
Minimum Blobs 1
Maximum Blobs 5
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Re: ZM does not alarm

Post by zoneminder »

Hi Brian,

I suspect your problem is related to these settings,

> Alarm Threshold (0>=?<=255) 1

This basically means how different a pixel has to be from it's predecessor where 0 is black and 255 is white (in brightness terms). A value of 1 will probably mean that virtually every pixel will match causing nearly the whole image to alarm. This may cause it to exceed the Maximum Blobs value. I would change this to 10 or 15 to start with, you may have to increase or reduce it depending on the type of image you have.

> Filter Width (pixels) 10
> Filter Height (pixels) 10

These should be smallish and odd so instead of 10 I would recommend starting with 3 or 5.

Once you have it working I would also start to reduce the maximums from the 100% value you have now but this is up to you and whether you want to eliminate any glitches, bugs on the lens etc etc.

