Hi all,
My Halloween inflatable was stolen recently and the house directly across from me was broken into etc etc so it's time to get a security camera (I already have a home security system). I already have a very nice 4X AMD server here running 24X7 using OpenSuSE 11.1. It has firewire & everything else. I also have a Hauppauge 150 s-video/NTSC analog capture card if needed. The server is (luckily) located near the front of the house - I could simply run a USB cable from it to a small camera sitting on my window sill if necessary although it is up kinda high and certainly the view from downstairs might be better. Lastly I have a Canon camcorder (with firewire) which chews tapes but otherwise works.
I am looking for camera recommendations for such a use. I could directly attach the camcorder I am sure but I'm not sure if I would get anything captured at night time (probably not). A better option would be some kind of an infra-red capable camera downstairs but the only way to connect it to the server would be via wi-fi, which is doable if necessary.
I am in the SF bay area, CA, USA & live near a Frys.
Apologies if this request is fairly wide open but as I said I'm new to this but am eager to learn. Thanks folks.