Using Fedora 12 with zoneminder installed via yum (zoneminder-1.24.2-3.fc12.i686), PHP 5.3.0, apache 2.2.13. Client is Windows Vista IE 8.0.
I have a single camera setup for Modetect, fast medium sensitivity in 2 zones. All recorded events are short, usually less than 2 seconds regardless how long there is motion to record. For example, if someone is in front of the camera for 10 seconds, I typically have 3 to 5 separate recorded events to capture the 10 seconds of activity. Not sure why so choppy.
The real problem is that when I go to play events back, I try to select "Gapless Events" in the playback window. The page refreshes but always reverts to "Single Event" and then plays a single event. I know gapless playback worked 2 weeks ago before I upgraded to Fedora 12 from Fedora 11.
Any help appreciated!
There are no clues in log files, including /tmp/zm*.log, nor in apache logs (only complaints about deprecated ereg() function).
Gapless Events playback plays only single event
The way it worked for me is that if I wanted to play the last five events I
select the oldest of the five events and it plays from the oldest to the most
current event. If I selected the most current event it will only play a single
event. It did not skip backwards in time for gapless play. You may have
tried it but I thought I say it any way.
select the oldest of the five events and it plays from the oldest to the most
current event. If I selected the most current event it will only play a single
event. It did not skip backwards in time for gapless play. You may have
tried it but I thought I say it any way.
Try changing the values under the Buffers Tab:
Pre/Post Event Image Buffer
These options determine how many frames from before and after an event should be preserved with it. This allows you to view what happened immediately prior and subsequent to the event. A value of 10 for both of these will get you started but if you get a lot of short events and would prefer them to run together to form fewer longer ones then increase the Post Event buffer size. The pre-event buffer is a true buffer and should not really exceed half the ring buffer size. However the post-event buffer is just a count that is applied to captured frames and so can be managed more flexibly. You should also bear in mind the frame rate of the camera when choosing these values. For instance a network camera capturing at 1FPS will give you 10 seconds before and after each event if you chose 10 here. This may well be too much and pad out events more than necessary. However a fast video card may capture at 25FPS and you will want to ensure that this setting enables you to view a reasonable time frame pre and post event.
I found a pre value of 10 (with a frame rate of 10FPS) and a post of 50 eliminates most short segments. The post buffer doesn't appear to increase system load at all and gives the most benefit when connecting two or more closely related events. Also check your Section Length under the Misc. tab:
Section Length
This specifies the length (in seconds) of any fixed length events produced when the monitor function is ‘Record’ or ‘Mocord’. Otherwise it is ignored. This should not be so long that events are difficult to navigate nor so short that too many events are generated. A length of between 300 and 900 seconds I recommended.
Pre/Post Event Image Buffer
These options determine how many frames from before and after an event should be preserved with it. This allows you to view what happened immediately prior and subsequent to the event. A value of 10 for both of these will get you started but if you get a lot of short events and would prefer them to run together to form fewer longer ones then increase the Post Event buffer size. The pre-event buffer is a true buffer and should not really exceed half the ring buffer size. However the post-event buffer is just a count that is applied to captured frames and so can be managed more flexibly. You should also bear in mind the frame rate of the camera when choosing these values. For instance a network camera capturing at 1FPS will give you 10 seconds before and after each event if you chose 10 here. This may well be too much and pad out events more than necessary. However a fast video card may capture at 25FPS and you will want to ensure that this setting enables you to view a reasonable time frame pre and post event.
I found a pre value of 10 (with a frame rate of 10FPS) and a post of 50 eliminates most short segments. The post buffer doesn't appear to increase system load at all and gives the most benefit when connecting two or more closely related events. Also check your Section Length under the Misc. tab:
Section Length
This specifies the length (in seconds) of any fixed length events produced when the monitor function is ‘Record’ or ‘Mocord’. Otherwise it is ignored. This should not be so long that events are difficult to navigate nor so short that too many events are generated. A length of between 300 and 900 seconds I recommended.
Same problem here, Fedora 12, you're viewing the events, if you select a scale, it will do it, but if you select a replay mode, the whole window will refresh and the replay mode will be reset to single event, so if you select gapless event the window will refresh and the single event will be set... So I cheat... went to skins/classic/views/event.php and change the array order of replay modes...
So the gapless event is set as default... and it work... I think, I'm on a remote access so my internet sucks big time, and can't check the whole thing... but it does jumps on the event sequence...
Code: Select all
$replayModes = array(
// 'single' => $SLANG['ReplaySingle'],
// 'all' => $SLANG['ReplayAll'],
// 'gapless' => $SLANG['ReplayGapless'],
'gapless' => $SLANG['ReplayGapless'],
'all' => $SLANG['ReplayAll'],
'single' => $SLANG['ReplaySingle'],